Security - EDI 810 Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

EDI 810 Processor

EDI 810 Processor
Foundation 24.1

There are several levels of security required for EDI 810. The first is network security. The EDI 810 processing workstation must be logged onto the network as a user that has Write access to the storage location. If the documents in a batch will be retrieved, Read access is necessary. In order to purge a batch, Delete rights are required.

Additionally, the processing workstation will need Read / Write / Delete access to the temporary parse path and the temporary report path for the process to complete successfully.

OnBase security has several levels, depending on the function of the user. To configure or run a process, or work with batches imported via a process, users must belong to a User Group with the proper rights and privileges.