Modifying a Scheduled Process Format - EDI 835 EOB Processor - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

EDI 835 EOB Processor

EDI 835 EOB Processor
Foundation 23.1

Once a scheduled process has been created, it can be modified as needed.

To modify an existing scheduled process:

  1. Open the Schedule Management window from the OnBase Client by clicking Processing | Scheduler | Schedule Management.
  2. Select the process to be modified from the Scheduled Items box.
  3. Modify the settings on the Schedule Configuration and Process Options tabs as needed.
    For more information on the options on these tabs, see Schedule Configuration and Processing Options.

    You can modify the Schedule Configuration settings for multiple processes at the same time. To do so, use the Shift or Ctrl keyboard keys to select multiple processes before modifying the Schedule Configuration settings.

  4. Once you have finished modifying the scheduled process, click Apply.