Configuring User Groups to Configure EDI 130 Processing - EDI TS 130 Processor - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

EDI TS 130 Processor

EDI TS 130 Processor
Foundation 23.1

To configure a User Group with the minimum rights necessary to configure an EDI 130 process format:

  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, click Users | User Groups/Rights. The User Groups & Rights dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the User Group that will configure EDI 130 process formats:
    1. Click Product Rights. The Assigning Product Rights for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is displayed.
      In the Configuration section, select the Configuration check box and click Save.
    2. Click Document Types. The Assigning Document Types for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is displayed.
      Select the individual Document Types or the Document Type Groups that must be available to be assigned to an EDI 130 process format in the Available for Selection section and move them to the Selected for Group section. Click Close.
    3. Click Configuration Rights. The Configuration Rights dialog box is displayed.
      On the General Settings tab, select the Process Configuration check box. Click Save.