EDI 835 EOB Processor - EDI TS 130 Processor - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

EDI TS 130 Processor

EDI TS 130 Processor
Foundation 23.1

The following default field codes are automatically created and configured for OnBase:

Patient Account Number

Total Billed Amount

Total Benefit Amount

Patient Responsibility

Claim Number

Patient Name - First

Patient Name - Middle

Patient Name - Last

Patient ID

Insured Name - First

Insured Name - Middle

Insured Name - Last

Insured ID

Provider Name - First

Provider Name - Middle

Provider Name - Last

Provider ID

Claim Date - Start

Claim Date - End

Payment Number

Payment Date

Payer Name

Payer ID

Payee Name

Taxpayer ID

Service Line Benefit Amount

Service Line Date - Start

Service Line Date - End

Claim Adjustment Reason Code

Service Line Adjustment Reason Code