EDI Standards - EDI TS 130 Processor - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

EDI TS 130 Processor

EDI TS 130 Processor
Foundation 23.1

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic exchange of business data in standard formats. With EDI, organizations electronically exchange data between computer systems with little or no human intervention on either end.

Over 300 different EDI standards currently exist. Each standard represents one type of conventionally-printed document, and the standards are designed to function across organization and industry boundaries. By conforming to these standards, an organization greatly reduces its paperwork volume and increases its efficiency.

EDI standards are developed and maintained by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12. The ASC X12 committee was chartered by the American National Standards Institute specifically to develop uniform EDI standards.

Currently, OnBase is capable of processing data formatted as one of four EDI standards:

  • EDI 130 (Student Educational Records Data). Used to process EDI student educational record data sent from one educational institution to another into individual transcript documents.

  • EDI 810 (Invoice Data). Used to process EDI invoice data sent from a vendor to a customer into individual invoice documents.

  • EDI 835 (Explanation of Benefits - EOB - Data). Used to process EDI remittance data sent from an insurance carrier to a health-care provider into individual Explanations of Benefits documents

  • EDI 837 (Patient Claim/Encounter Data). Used to process EDI patient claim/encounter data sent from a health-care provider to an insurance carrier into a CMS 1500 (HFCA) or UB-04 form.


Separate licensing is required for each of these EDI processors.