To save a new document to the file system instead of importing it to OnBase, select File | Save As or File | Save, or click the Save button, or press CTRL+S.
The EDM Services Logon dialog box is displayed:
If the document is not a new document, clicking Save or selecting File | Save saves the document to the location from which it was opened. If the document was opened from OnBase, changes are saved to the document in OnBase. If the document was opened from the file system, changes are saved to the document on the file system.
If you are working with a new document in PowerPoint, clicking Save or selecting File | Save only provides the option to save the document to your file system.
From the EDM Services Logon dialog box, you may choose to save the document to OnBase or to the file system of your hard drive or network.
If you choose to save the document to the file system, the Save As dialog box is displayed. Browse to the location where you want to save the document and click Save.
If you choose to save the document into OnBase, select the Data Source and log on to OnBase.