To view your checked-out documents:
On the Home tab, in Documents, click My
The My Checkouts pane is displayed:
- Double-click a document in the My Checkouts pane.
- The document is displayed. Depending on the document's file format, it may be displayed in the Unity Client Document Viewer or in its native application.
Edit the document and save your changes.
When editing checked-out documents, save your changes by selecting File | Save or by clicking the Save toolbar button. Do not use File | Save As. The Unity Client does not recognize new revisions to documents when File | Save As is used to save changes.
Note:When viewing a document checked out in Google Drive, additional documents cannot be opened in a new browser or tab within the Google Drive Unity Client interface.
Depending on your configuration, you may be prompted to check the document in after saving your changes. If so, click one of the following buttons:
Save as Revision
Saves the document as a new revision. Any text you enter in the subsequent Comment screen will be saved as a comment for the revision.
Depending on how the Document Type is configured, a comment may be required.
CAUTION:Comments longer than 250 characters are not supported.
Save as New Document
Saves the document as a new document.
Cancels the check-in process. No new documents or revisions are added.