Checking Out Documents - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

You may check out the latest revision of documents from OnBase and work on them after you have logged out. For example, you may check out a document to your Standalone Briefcase for overnight editing. Documents can be checked back in during the next OnBase session.

You can check out a document from a Document Search Results list, a folder, or from an open document. If you select multiple documents for check-out, only options that apply to all selected documents are available from the Briefcase right-click menu.


Text documents brought in to OnBase via a COLD process should not be checked out because they are not subject to revisions. When checking out image documents for editing, users should have software installed on their workstation that will allow them to modify the image. Image documents should not be checked out to add image markups, because the OnBase viewer will not display markups added to the documents.

To check out documents from OnBase:

  1. Select the document(s) from a Document Search Results list or folder.
  2. Right-click and select Briefcase | Check Out Document.

    To check out an open document, select Document | Briefcase | Check Out Document.


    If the Check Out option is not available, verify that all selected documents meet the prerequisites for document check-out. You may only be able to add some documents to the Reference Documents tab of the EDM Briefcase. See Prerequisites for a list of check-out prerequisites.

    The Document Check Out dialog box is displayed.

  3. Type an optional Check Out Comment.

    If you are checking out multiple documents, the Apply to all items option is available. Select this option to use the same Check Out Comment for all documents. If this option is not selected, the Document Check Out dialog box is displayed for each document.


    The Check Out Comment field accommodates no more than 250 characters.

  4. Click OK.
    A confirmation message displays the number of documents that were checked out and the number of documents that failed. You can view why any document(s) failed by clicking Show Details.
  5. Click OK.

    The documents are checked out and stored in the storage location you saved in your Standalone Briefcase.


    When editing documents checked out to the EDM Briefcase, save your changes by selecting File | Save or by clicking the Save toolbar button. Do not use File | Save As. The EDM Briefcase does not recognize new revisions to documents when File | Save As is used to save changes.