Modifying Image Markups - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

As long as the markup has not been saved, you can modify it using the tools described above. You can also modify a markup's position, size, text, and transparency.

For example, you may want to redact a part of an image with an opaque rectangle. You can create the rectangle in a particular color using the Rectangle and Color tools. Then, you can adjust its size and make it opaque. When you save the markup, the rectangle is burned onto the new revision, and the original document is unaltered.

  • To move a markup, click and drag it to a different position on the document.

  • To resize a markup, select it and click and drag its edges or corners until the markup is the right size.

  • To edit the text within a markup created using the Text Tool, double-click the text markup. After making your changes, click outside of the text box.

  • To change the markup's transparency, right-click it and select Opaque or Transparent. By default, all markups are created as transparent.


Due to varying combinations of the markup color, the background color, and the markup type, the difference between transparency options for the following markup tools may not be noticeable: Ellipse, Line, Arrow, Text, and Revision Tools. Transparency options are not noticeable on markups created in black. The Freehand Tool image markup tool does not allow for the specification of a transparency option.


When you are editing image markups, you cannot print or e-mail documents. These functions become available again when the markups are cleared or saved.