Configuring Revisions - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

Revisions are new variants of a document in which the same file format is maintained. Document revisions are specific to a selected Document Type.

Note the following considerations for configuring revisions:

  • When determining if a document is a revision of an existing document, OnBase compares existing Keyword Values. Blank Keyword Values are ignored.

  • Users must have the appropriate privileges to view or create revisions.See User Groups & Rights for more information.

  • Some Document Type settings for revisions behave differently when using the OnBase Integrated Office Viewer to edit documents in a web browser. For more information, see Configuring to Edit in the Integrated Office Viewer.

  • EDM Services does not support saving changes in Microsoft Excel to a revisable document in comma-separated values (CSV) format if the Document Type file format is MS Excel Spreadsheet. To edit CSV files using EDM Services, either use persistent checkout or create a custom file format for CSV files. See the System Administration module reference guide for more information on configuring file formats.

Revision configuration options can be modified at any time and applied to existing documents, as well as documents being imported for the first time. OnBase loads the Document Type settings at login.

To configure revisions for a Document Type:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types.
  2. Select a Document Type and click Rendition/Revision. The Rendition / Revision Control Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select from the following Rendition / Revision Control Settings:




    Applies read-only attributes to the documents in the selected Document Type.


    Read-only documents cannot be checked out.

    Display Message When Document Is Locked

    When a user opens a document locked by another user, a message displays stating that the document is already checked out. This message includes the OnBase user name who has checked out the document.

    Any changes made to a document that is locked by another user can only be saved by saving the document as a new document.

    Allow Persistent Check Out

    Allows users to keep documents checked out after logging out of OnBase. For example, a document can be checked out and saved to a laptop for overnight editing. Documents can be checked back in during the next OnBase session.


    In order to check out documents, this setting must be applied to the Document Type.

    This setting is also required for editing Microsoft Office documents in the OnBase Integrated Office Viewer. For more information, see Configuring to Edit in the Integrated Office Viewer.

    Allow Appending Pages on Import

    Allows users to import image files and append them to existing image documents of that Document Type if the imported document has the same indexing information as an existing document. This is only available for Image File Format and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) documents.


    This setting is not respected in the OnBase Client. While importing in the OnBase Client, the user decides whether to append the imported image file to an existing image document by using the Append Page To Existing Document option.


    EDM Services licensing is not required to append pages.

    Allow Multiple Renditions

    Allows documents to be changed and saved as renditions of the document. A rendition is a rendering of the original document stored in a different file format.


    EDM Services licensing is not required to use renditions.

    Use Text Display Format For External Text Search Results

    Select to display the text rendition when performing an External Text Search of image and PDF documents with a text rendition.

    When this is not selected, the image or PDF rendition is displayed when performing an External Text Search.

  4. In the Revision Settings section, select from the following settings for non-revisable documents:



    Non Revisable

    Prevents documents from being saved as revisions. Although non-revisable documents can be changed and saved as new documents (or changed to overwrite existing documents), revision control features are not available. Two Non revisable options are available and described below.

    Create new document

    Documents are saved as read-only documents. Document changes are not saved as revisions; changed documents must be saved as new documents. When users attempt to save document changes, OnBase displays the Import Document dialog box displays, allowing users to import and index the new document.


    Selecting this option disables the Allow Persistent Check Out option.

    Prompt to overwrite or create new document

    Documents can be overwritten, or saved as new documents. When users attempt to save document changes, OnBase displays the message: Would you like to Overwrite the Existing document or save this as a new document? Users can do one of the following:

    • Click Overwrite to overwrite the existing document.

    • Click Save as new to create a new document. The Import Document dialog box displays, allowing you to import and index the new document.

    • Click Cancel to cancel changes.

    Note the following:

  5. In the Revision Settings Section, select from the following settings for revisable documents:



    Allow Multiple Revisions

    Allows documents to be changed and saved as revisions of the document. A revision is an altered version of the original document that retains the original file format.

    Prompt for revision

    Prompts the user to select whether the document should be saved as a revision of the document or as a new document.

    Note the following:

    • This setting does not apply to image documents. OnBase always assumes a revision when saving image markups on image documents. When this option is enabled, OnBase does not display a prompt when saving image markups on image documents.

    • This setting is not respected in the OnBase Integrated Office Viewer. See Allowing Image Markups.

    Always assume new revision

    Assumes that you want the changes to a document saved as a revision, if the Document Type and Keyword Values match an existing document. If selected, no prompt for revision will appear when saving image markups to a document or when editing a Microsoft Office document.


    A revision of a document cannot be created while the document is locked.

    Re-enter document into Workflow

    This option adds a document revision to the Workflow life cycles assigned to the selected Document Type. This feature is activated when you click the Save as Revision button in the Document Revision dialog box.

    To understand how this works, first try to open a document from OnBase and save it back to OnBase as a revision or as a new document.

    When this Re-enter Document into Workflow option is enabled in the Configuration module, and you click the Save as Revision button in the Document Revision dialog box in OnBase, the document revision is re-added to all life cycles assigned to the Document Type.


    Only one instance of a particular document can be in a life cycle. If the document is already in a queue or another queue in the same life cycle, then the document will not be re-added.

    Allow Versioning

    Enables a selected Document Type to allow revisions of documents to be stamped as Versions.

    If a Document Type allows versioning, users must have either the View Revisions or View Versions privilege to view previous versions of documents of that type.


    Regardless of a user's rights to create and view Versions, if the Document Type does not allow versioning, the user will not be able to create Versions.

  6. Select from the following Comments settings:



    No Comments

    Once activated, a user cannot enter comments for a document or revision.

    Allow Comments

    Allows comments to be made on a document or revision.


    Comments longer than 250 characters are not supported and will be truncated.


    This setting behaves differently in the OnBase Integrated Office Viewer. See Configuring to Edit in the Integrated Office Viewer.

    Save first revision with no comment

    Saves the first revision of a document without being prompted for revision comments. All subsequent revisions display the revision comments dialog box where you can type revision comments, if desired.

    Force comment

    Requires users to enter a revision comment before the revision is saved.

    Note the following:

    • This setting has priority over the Save first revision with no comment setting. If Force comment is selected, users are required to enter a comment for the first revision of a document even if Save first revision with no comment is also selected.

    • This setting behaves differently in the OnBase Integrated Office Viewer. See Configuring to Edit in the Integrated Office Viewer.

  7. Click Save, and restart OnBase for changes to take effect.