EDM Briefcase Check In / Check Out Prerequisites - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

With EDM Services, users can check documents in and out of OnBase through the EDM Briefcase. Check In/Check Out functionality protects a document from simultaneous revisions. While checked out or opened, other users can only retrieve and route a read-only version of the document.

EDM Services helps facilitate the sharing of documents. For example, when several employees contribute to a proposal, a salesperson may write an initial proposal that requires input from others. The initial document is created and imported into OnBase using EDM Services. It can then be retrieved and revised by anyone who has modification rights for that document.

The EDM Services provides a “persistent checkout” feature that allows you to check out documents and keep them checked out even after the OnBase session has ended. Documents can be transferred to another machine or laptop, allowing for off-site revision.