Checking Out Other File Types - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

The following file types are not supported for check out through any method:

  • ApproveIT Electronic Signature

  • Data Mining Format

  • Electronic Form

  • Physical Record

  • Unity Form

  • Virtual Electronic Form

  • Zipped HTML Archive

With the exception of the file types listed above, other file types supported in the Unity Client that are not listed as being available for checkout to the workstation can still be checked out. When you check out a document that is enabled for persistent checkout but is not qualified for checkout to the workstation, the checked-out copy of the document can be manipulated and edited within OnBase. A local copy of the document is not generated. For example, image documents can be checked out and then rotated and flipped within the Unity Client editor by the user who has the file checked out. The file is unavailable to other users because it has been checked out.

This form of checkout resembles an extended document lock. The document remains locked until checked back in, even if the user performing the checkout logs out of OnBase.


Checkouts performed on these file types cannot be undone. The Undo Checkout button in the My Checkouts pane is disabled.

Refer to Checking Out Documents to your Workstation for a list of file types that can be checked out locally to your workstation.