Checking Out Documents - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

You may check out OnBase documents to your file system and work on them after you have logged out. For example, you may check out a document and save it locally for overnight editing. Documents can be checked back in from the Documents Checked Out pane during the next OnBase session. Before checking out documents from the system, ensure the Prerequisites are in place.


Text documents brought in to OnBase via a COLD process should not be checked out because they are not subject to revisions. When checking out image documents for editing, users should have software installed on their workstation that will allow them to modify the image. Image documents should not be checked out to add image markups, because the OnBase viewer will not display markups added to the documents.

To check out a document from OnBase:

  1. From a Document Search Results list or folder, select and right-click the document.
  2. Select Check Out.

    If Check Out is not available, verify that you have met prerequisites for document check-out. See Prerequisites for a list of check-out prerequisites.


    If comments are enabled or required for the Document Type, you will be prompted to enter a checkout comment.

  3. The Check Out dialog is displayed. After the document has been downloaded, this window can be closed.
  4. When prompted to download the file, click Save or Save As, then save the file to the location where you want to access the file for editing. Large documents will display a percentage bar to show download progress.

    You can modify the document on your file system and check it back in from the Documents Checked Out pane. See Checking In Documents.

    If you are not prompted to save the document, the document is displayed in a new window. Select File | Save As and save the file to a location on your file system. You can modify the document on your file system and check it back in from the Documents Checked Out pane. See Checking In Documents.