Web Client Image Markups - EDM Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

EDM Services

EDM Services
Foundation 23.1

You can enable the Image Markup toolbar in the Web Client by clicking the Toggle Markup Toolbar button:


The Toggle Image Markup Toolbar button is disabled when a document is opened in a new window. You must open a document in the Document Viewer if you need to work with image markups.

When the Toggle Markup Toolbar button is clicked, a toolbar like the one shown below is displayed:

This toolbar provides you with the ability to place markups on a document and burn those markups onto the document permanently.

The following image markups are available:



Line allows you to draw a straight line. The color is the same as the color selected from Color. The thickness is the same as the thickness selected from Line Weight.

Rectangle allows you draw an opaque rectangle. The color of the rectangle is the same as the color selected from Color.

Ellipse allows you to draw an ellipse. The outline color is the same as the color selected from Color. The thickness is the same as the thickness selected from Line Weight.

Arrow allows you to draw an arrow. The color is the same as the color selected from Color. The thickness is the same as the thickness selected from Line Weight.

Checkmark allows you to place a checkmark on the document. With this tool selected, click anywhere on the document where you want a checkmark displayed. The color is the same as the color selected from Color.

Highlight allows you to highlight an area. The highlighted area is the same as the color selected from Color.

Freehand allows you to draw a freehand line on the document. It simulates writing on the document with a pen. The color is the same as the color selected from Color. The thickness is the same as the thickness selected from Line Weight.

Repeat Markup Mode allows you to create the selected markup multiple times without having to re-select it.

Line Weight allows you to select the weight that is applied to the Line, Ellipse, Arrow, and Freehand markups.

Color allows you to change the color of the selected shape, line, or text. When Color is selected, the color picker drop-down is displayed.

You can use the horizontal slider to select the color you want, then refine it further by picking a specific shade from the large box above the slider.

You can also select a specific color by using the dropper tool.

After clicking the dropper tool button, click anywhere on your screen to select a color.

If you know the color code for the specific color you want to use, you can enter the color's value in the fields at the bottom of the drop-down. Click on the bar below the fields to switch between the RGB(Red/Green/Blue) color model, the HSL(Hue/Saturation/Lightness) color model, and HEX color code.


Depending on your configuration, you may only be able to add black or white markups to a black and white image.

Text Box allows you to mark up an area in the document with a text box, which allows you to enter text into an image document. You may also format the text by selecting it and using the font formatting tools in the Image Markup toolbar.

After you have finished typing within a text box, click outside of the text box to apply the text to the document.

Font allows you to change the font face of text inside a text box.

Font Size allows you to change the font size of text inside a text box.

Bold allows you to make the selected text inside a text box bold.

Italic allows you to italicize the selected text inside a text box.

Underline allows you to underline the selected text inside a text box.

Revision Stamp allows you to mark up an area of an image document with a text box that contains a revision number, which can be used as the revision identifier of the document. Format the text using the available font formatting tools on the Markups tab. The first revision number applied is 2. The Revision Tool's text box has an opaque white background. When markups are saved, the white background covers any underlying text.

Previous Markup allows you to select the markup created before the currently selected markup. If no markup is currently selected, or if the first markup is currently selected, this selects the last markup.

Next Markup allows you to select the markup created after the currently selected markup. If no markup is currently selected, or if the last markup is currently selected, this selects the first markup.

Delete allows you to delete all currently selected markups.


You can also delete currently selected markups by pressing the Delete keyboard key.

Save Markups allows you to save all markups on the document as a new revision. The image markups are permanently burned into the document.

Depending on how your system was configured, you may be required to apply a revision stamp with the Revision button before saving image markups. If you attempt to save markups without a revision stamp, OnBase displays a message indicating that a revision stamp is required.


If you close a document without saving markups, you are prompted to save markups.