Installing Plan Review - Electronic Plan Review - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Electronic Plan Review

Electronic Plan Review
Foundation 22.1

You must install Plan Review using the Plan Review installer to access the Plan Review website.

To install Plan Review:

  1. Launch the Plan Review installer by running the Hyland Electronic Plan Review.msi. This file is usually located in the \install\x64\Electronic Plan Review\ folder of your source installation files.

    You can also install Plan Review from the command line. For more details on running the installer from the command line, see Controlling Installation from the Command Line.

    The Hyland Electronic Plan Review Setup dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Next. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter the installation directory in the field provided, or click Change to browse to it.
  4. Click Next. The Electronic Plan Review Settings dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a web server to install the Plan Review site to from the Web Site drop-down list. The Web Site list is populated with the web servers configured in IIS and available to the target machine.
  6. Enter a name for your Plan Review site in the Application Name field.
  7. Under Communication Method, select Remoting if the Plan Review site and the Application Server are hosted on the same machine. If the Plan Review site and Application Server are hosted on different machines, select SOAP.
  8. Select Enable TLS if you want to run your Plan Review site via an HTTPS connection. If this option is selected, you must ensure that your server is correctly configured for HTTPS connections.
  9. Click Next. The Application Server URL dialog box is displayed.
  10. In the Application Server URL field, enter the full URL to the Service page of your OnBase Application Server. The file extension of the service page depends on the Communication Method you selected for the Application Server. If you selected Remoting, the service page is Service.rem. If you selected SOAP, the service page is Service.asmx.
  11. Click Next. The Electronic Plan Review Upload Directory dialog box is displayed.
  12. Enter the directory that will be used to store documents before they are uploaded into OnBase in the field provided, or click Change to browse to it.
  13. Click Next. The Ready to install dialog box is displayed.
  14. Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Cancel to cancel the installation.
  15. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

    In order to ensure that the required system settings take effect, it is a best practice to restart the installing machine once the installer has finished.