Notes, Redactions, Burned Markups, and Deficiencies on Documents with Overlays - Electronic Plan Review - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Electronic Plan Review

Electronic Plan Review
Foundation 22.1

Notes, redactions, burned markups, and deficiencies on documents that have an overlay applied may encounter unexpected behavior. The position of notes, redactions, burned markups, and deficiencies may shift when the document is rendered.

The position shift may occur in the following instances:

  • Text documents that contain overlays with an offset configured

  • Text documents accessed using modules that render text documents as an image for display

  • Image documents with overlays that do not have the same DPI or dimensions as the document


If a note, redaction, burned markup, or deficiency is not in the location you expect, do not save or sign the document until the location has been corrected. The shifting of notes that do not permanently alter the document can be corrected any time by your system administrator. When the document is saved or signed, the pending redaction, burned markup, or deficiency is permanently placed in the shifted location.

When setting up overlays for documents that may also include notes, redactions, burned markups, or deficiencies:

  • Ensure the dimensions of the overlay match the dimensions of the document.

  • Do not use offsets with overlays since the document may contain notes, redactions, burned markups, or deficiencies.

  • For text documents, use 96 DPI for overlays.

  • For image documents, ensure the DPI of the overlay matches the DPI of the document.

A position shift can be corrected through the following methods:

  • For text documents, recreate the overlay to match the dimensions of the document instead of using an offset. For example, add an empty space to the margin of the overlay instead of using an offset to account for this space.

  • For text documents, the best practice is to set the DPI of the overlay to 96 DPI. Some OnBase modules render text documents as an image for display, and in most cases, the image is rendered at 96 DPI.

  • For image documents, recreate the overlay to match the DPI and dimensions of the document.

If the issue still occurs, contact your first line of support.