External AutoFill Keywords Sets - Enterprise Integration Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Enterprise Integration Server

Enterprise Integration Server
Foundation 23.1

This section is an example of configuring an External AutoFill Keyword Set for use with a SOAP web service. This functionality can also be used for any adapter binding that can be used via the Enterprise Integration Server (for example, Oracle). When working with other adapter bindings, the configuration steps will vary.


In order to successfully trigger an External AutoFill Keyword Set, a user name and/or password for the line-of-business system must be included in the DLL that is generated. To allow credentials in the URI, set the AcceptCredentialsInUri binding property to true, or specify credentials through the ClientCredentials class.

After consuming the LOB SOAP Service:

  1. Right-click on the project and select Build.
  2. In the Toolbox pane, select Sequence to add the sequence shape. Add the following to the sequence shape:
    1. An InputArgument with Argument Type: AutoFillGetRequest.
    2. An OutputArgument with Argument Type: AutoFillGetResponse.

      The OutputArgument direction must be set to Out.

    3. An InputVariable named InputFromOB with Variable Type: AutoFillGetRequest.
      Add a new Expression: new AutoFillGetRequest().
    4. An OutputVariable named OutputToOB with Variable Type: AutoFillGetResponse.
      Add a new Expression: new AutoFillGetResponse().
    5. An InputVariable named InputToSoapService with Variable Type: <Contract Name>Request.
      Add a new Expression: new <Contract Name>Request().
    6. An OutputVariable named OutputFromSoapService with Variable Type: <Contract Name>Response.
      Add a new Expression: new <Contract Name>Response().
  3. In the Toolbox pane, add the following shapes to complete the sequence:
    1. Assign: InPutFromOB = InputArgument.
    2. Mapper: AutoFillGetRequest to GETDETAIL1Request.

      You must specify an Input and an Output in the Properties pane for the mapper.

    When you are finished with the sequence, it should resemble the following:
  4. Select GetVendorInfo Activity.
  5. Enter an Expression for each in and out argument.
    For example:
    GetVendorInfoResult = OutputFromSoapService.GetVendorInfoResult
    vendorID = InputToSoapService.vendorID
  6. In the Mapper, map <Contract Name>Response to AutoFillGetResponse.

    You must specify an Input and an Output in the Properties pane for the mapper.

  7. Assign OutputArgument to OutputToOB.
  8. Right-click on the project and select Rebuild.
  9. Open the project folder and navigate to the DLL created by the project. For example:
    C:\Users\[user name]\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\[project name]\[project name]\bin\Debug\[project name].dll.
  10. Upload this DLL to OnBase using the steps described in External Keyword Data Set Configuration.