Document: On Document Change - Enterprise Integration Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Enterprise Integration Server

Enterprise Integration Server
Foundation 23.1

The following schema nodes are available:

Schema Node



The name of the operation, followed by the OnBase Document Type's numeric ID. For example, OnDocumentChanged_103.

Expand to display DocChange.


Expand to display DocumentProperties and Keywords.


Expand to display the following document properties:

  • documentHandle- The document's Document Handle.

  • docName- The document's Auto-Name string.

  • docTypeName- The document's Document Type Name.

  • docTypeNumber- The document's Document Type Number.

  • docDate- The document's Document Date.

  • dateStored- The document's Date Stored.

  • docStatus- The document's Document Status.

  • eventAction- The change that occurred. For more information, see Document Change Information.


Expand to display further classifications for OnBase keyword fields:

  • Multi_Instance_Keyword_Group- Expand to display Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups in the following format: [name of Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group]_Collection. Expand this node to display the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group in the following format: [name of Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Types that are part of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group in the following format [name of Keyword Type]_[numeric ID].

  • Single_Instance_Keyword_Group- Expand to display Keyword Type Groups in the following format: [name of Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Type Group in the following format: [name of Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Types that are part of the Keyword Type Group in the following format [name of Keyword Type]_[numeric ID].

  • StandAlone- Expand to display Keyword Types that are not part of a Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group. The Keyword Type's name is followed by _Collection_[numeric ID].