Scan Queue: On Scan Queue Changed - Enterprise Integration Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Enterprise Integration Server

Enterprise Integration Server
Foundation 23.1

The following schema nodes are available:

Schema Node


OnEIS[name of process option]Queue

The name of the operation, including the scan queue process option, followed by the OnBase Document Type's numeric ID, followed by the OnBase scan queue's numeric ID. For example, OnEISPreIndexQueue_101_101.

Expand to display ScanQueueChange.


Expand to display DocumentProperties and Keywords.


Expand to display the following document properties:

  • documentHandle- The document's Document Handle.

  • docName- The document's Auto-Name string.

  • docTypeName- The document's Document Type Name.

  • docTypeNumber- The document's Document Type Number.

  • docDate- The document's Document Date.

  • dateStored- The document's Date Stored.

  • docStatus- The document's Document Status.

  • scanQueueId- The scan queue's numeric ID.

  • batchNumber- The batch number.


Expand to display further classifications for OnBase keyword fields:

  • Multi_Instance_Keyword_Group- Expand to display Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups in the following format: [name of Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group]_Collection. Expand this node to display the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group in the following format: [name of Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Types that are part of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group in the following format [name of Keyword Type]_[numeric ID].

  • Single_Instance_Keyword_Group- Expand to display Keyword Type Groups in the following format: [name of Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Type Group in the following format: [name of Keyword Type Group]_[numeric ID]. Expand this node to display the Keyword Types that are part of the Keyword Type Group in the following format [name of Keyword Type]_[numeric ID].

  • StandAlone- Expand to display Keyword Types that are not part of a Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group. The Keyword Type's name is followed by _Collection_[numeric ID].