Connecting Physical Ports to Logical Ports - Enterprise Integration Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Enterprise Integration Server

Enterprise Integration Server
Foundation 23.1

After creating and configuring physical ports, you must connect them to the logical ports that you previously created and configured.

To connect physical ports to logical ports:

  1. Right-click the BizTalk application and select Configure.
  2. The Configure Application dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the orchestration you are configuring from the Orchestrations list.
    Your screen resembles the following:
  4. Select the receive logical port from the Inbound Logical Ports list.
  5. Click the Receive Ports cell in that row and select the physical receive port you created in Creating and Configuring a Physical Receive Port.
  6. Select the send logical port listed in Outbound Logical Ports.
  7. Click the Send Ports/Send Port Groups cell in that row and select the physical send port you created in Creating and Configuring a Physical Send Port.
  8. Select the verification logical port listed in Outbound Logical Ports.
  9. Click the Send Ports/Send Port Groups cell in that row and select the physical verification port you created in Creating and Configuring a Physical Verification Port.
  10. Click OK to close the Configure Application dialog box.