The options you select in the Reading Group Configuration dialog box define the attributes of the Reading Group.
In the Reading Group Configuration dialog box, type text in the following fields:
Field Name
Usage Policy
Type any confidentiality policies, protocol, warnings, etc. specific to this Reading Group. This text displays when a user accesses the Reading Group if there are unacknowledged documents in the Reading Group.
Usage Policy text includes additional information about the importance or implications of viewing the required reading.
Acknowledgment Text
Type the text that displays after a user clicks the Acknowledge button in the Reading Group Viewer. For example, this text may inform the user that by clicking the Acknowledge button, the user understands and accepts the acknowledged document.
Help Description
Type any help information a user may need when accessing the Reading Group. This information is displayed when the user clicks the Help button in the Reading Group Viewer from the OnBase Client, or the Show Help button in the Reading Group Viewer from the Web Client.
Select from the following options for the Reading Group:
Require All Pages Viewed
Ensures that the reader views all pages of multi-page documents in a single reading session. The Acknowledge and Reject buttons in the Reading Group Viewer will only become available after the reader has finished viewing the first and last page of a multi-page document.
Note:This option is only available in the OnBase Client. Require All Pages Viewed applies only to documents that open using the OnBase internal viewer. For more information about Viewer Types, see the Configuration Help files.
Hide Old Revisions
Ensures that only the most recently added revision is visible in the Reading Group Viewer.
For more information about this setting, see Hide Old Revisions.
Note:For audit purposes, the history of prior revisions is retained in the Reading Group to maintain a complete history of all revisions available in the Reading Group.
Require Authentication
Prompts Reading Group members to enter a password to acknowledge a document in the Reading Group Viewer.
The following authentication methods are supported:
Note:This option applies on a day-forward basis; it affects only those documents added to the selected Reading Group after this option is set.
Require Digital Signature
If your system is licensed for Digital Signatures, selecting this option requires that a user digitally sign a document as part of the Acknowledgment process. For more information about Digital Signatures, see the Digital Signatures documentation.
Note:This option is only available in the OnBase Client.
New Document Email Notify
Emails notifications to Reading Group members when a new document is added or if an existing document is re-added to the Reading Group. If the document requires approval, all Approval Group members are notified first. Once approved, all Reading Group members are then notified. For more information, see DKT Email Notification.
Note:This option must be selected in order to use the Distribution Service for DKT in the Web Client. See Configuring the Distribution Service for further information on configuring this feature.
To include a DocPop link to the document in the notification, select a document display URL from the Document Display drop-down list. See Configuring Document Display URLs for more information on configuring Document Display URLs for DKT Reader.
Note:When <Document Name Only/No URL> is selected, the document name is included in the notification. A DocPop link is not included in the notification.
Enable Deadline Date
Allows for a deadline date by which readers have to read a document. Documents not read by the deadline date have a status of Delinquent.
When this option is selected, the Default number of days to read document field and the Delinquency Notification button are available. The Deadline Date column also is displayed in the Reading Group viewer.
To enable and configure Delinquency Notification, see Delinquency Notification.
Default number of days to read document
Sets the number of days Reading Group members have to read a document added to the Reading Group. The default deadline date will be this number of days after the date the document was added to the Reading Group.
In the Unity Client and Web Client, when a new user is added to the Reading Group, they will be given the full configured amount of time to read the document before it becomes delinquent. The Default number of days to read document setting is respected on a per-user basis.
The deadline date can be modified in the Assign Document dialog box when documents are added manually.
Enable Document Expiration
Allows documents in the Reading Group to expire. Expired documents will be removed from the Reading Group after the specified number of days elapse.
Note:This option is only available in the OnBase Client.
Default number of days before expiration
Sets the number of days that a document will remain in the Reading Group. The default expiration date will be this number of days after the date the document was added to the Reading Group.
The expiration date can be modified in the Assign Document dialog box when documents are added manually.
Use the -DKTUPDATE switch when launching the client to update Reading Groups.
Note:This option is only available in the OnBase Client.
Send Notification when Document is Approved
Emails an approval notification to the administrator who added a document to the Reading Group, if the Approval Group approves the document.
Send Notification when Document is Rejected
Emails a rejection notification to the administrator who added a document to the Reading Group, if the Approval Group rejects the document.
Enable Exams
This options turns on the ability to take exams. This requires the user to answer a set a questions about the document they just read as part of the acknowledgment process.
Note:When exams are enabled for the first time, the SYS DKT Exams document type is automatically created with the following keywords: Completed By, Exam Question, Exam Answer, Exam Score and Exam #, along with the Exam Question multi-instance keyword set.
Note:The first time exams are enabled, the SYS DKT Exams document type will need to have a Default File Format set of Electronic Form, and have a Default Disk Group assigned to it. Consult the Configuration help for more detailed information on how to do this.
Allow Documents to be Rejected by Reading Group Members
Gives Reading Group members the option to reject a document. Rejected documents have a status of Rejected by User.
When this option is selected, the Rejected pane in the Reading Group viewer is displayed.
Capture Rejection Reason
Select to allow members to specify a reason for rejecting a document.
Note:Rejection reasons are limited to 250 characters.
To capture the rejection reason in an E-Form, select the E-Form Document Type from the drop-down list. If <No Form> is selected, the rejecter is presented with the Rejection Reason dialog box.
Note:Capturing the rejection reason in an E-Form is only available in the OnBase Client. Rejection reasons cannot be captured in an E-Form when a document is rejected from the Web Client, Unity Client, or DKT Reader.
Compound Reading Group
Select to designate the Reading Group as an explicit Compound Reading Group (CRG). CRGs are composed of other Reading Groups, called child Reading Groups.
Note:CRGs are not available in the Web Client, Unity Client, or DKT Reader. You cannot administer or assign documents to CRGs in the Web Client, Unity Client, or DKT Reader.
Allow Child Administration
Select to allow users who are administrators of child Reading Group to administer CRG documents to their respective child Reading Groups. For example, if a user is an administrator for the Sales Reading Group, the user can administer a document added to the All Employees CRG to all members of the Sales Reading Group.
Select the Approval Type for the Reading Group.
This setting complements the approval settings selected in the OnBase Client, where the Approval Administrator configures each Approval Group and its members. See Reading Group Configuration for more information.
Approval Types are described in the following table:
Approval Type
No Approval
All documents added to this Reading Group are immediately available for viewing by the Reading Group members. Added documents are not routed through the approval process.
Allow Approval
Documents added to this Reading Group may or may not require approval prior to distribution. This selection depends upon the discretion of the Document Administrator.
In the OnBase Client, when the Document Administrator adds documents to this Reading Group without assigning an Approval Group or selecting Approval Group members, the added document is immediately available to member readers.
Require Approval
Documents added to this Reading Group must be approved through an Approval Group before becoming available to Reading Group members. When you save the Reading Group settings after selecting this Approval Type, OnBase displays a message reminding you that Approval Groups must be configured for this feature to work.
Note:The Approval Administrator sets up Approval Groups and Approval Group members for each Reading Group in the OnBase Client, Web Client, or Unity Client.
The Document Administrator will not be able to add any document to a Reading Group with this Approval Type until they assigned an Approval Group to approve the documents.
Note:Changes made to Approval Type are applied on a day-forward basis. Documents assigned to the Reading Group before this setting was changed will not re-enter the approval process.