DKT Email Notification - Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance
Foundation 22.1

The New Document Email Notify option allows members of Reading Groups and Approval Groups to receive an email notification when an unacknowledged or unapproved document is added to their respective queues.

If this option is not selected, Reading Group members and approvers will not receive email notifications. In this case, the Reading Group members must periodically check the Reading Group Viewer for new documents to read. In the same manner, Approval Group members must also check the Document Approval Viewer for documents needing approval.

DKT uses the External Email address first which is entered for a user in the Configuration module. If a user has no External Email address entered in the Configuration module, then DKT uses Internal Email to send notifications. The DKT Email Notification system works with whatever email integration is supported by OnBase.


For more information on Internal and External Mail, see the OnBase Client documentation.

The OnBase Client can use Internal Mail, External Mail, and the Distribution Service to send email notifications. To use DKT email notifications in the Web Client and the Unity Client, the Distribution Service must be installed and running. For more information about this service, see Configuring the Distribution Service.


When New Document Email Notify is selected, adding a new member to a Reading Group will send that member email notifications for every document in the Reading Group that requires reading.