Configuring Email Notifications - Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance
Foundation 22.1

In this step, you will configure custom email notifications for the created Reading Group.

  1. In the Reading Group Configuration dialog box, select a Reading Group and click Notification Text.
  2. The Email Notification Text dialog box is displayed:
  3. Select one of the following notification types from the Notification Type drop-down list:

    Notification Type


    Document Added to Approval Group

    The notification that will be sent when a document is added to an Approval Group.

    Document Approved by Approval Group

    The notification that will be sent when a document is approved by an Approval Group.

    Document Rejected by Approval Group

    The notification that will be sent when a document is rejected by an Approval Group.

    Document Added to Reading Group

    The notification that will be sent when a document is added to a Reading Group.

  4. The selected notification is displayed. The Subject and/or Message Body are already populated with the default text.
  5. Modify the default text if necessary, customizing it to suit your needs.

    The tilde (~) and percent (%) characters cannot be used in the Subject or Message Body.

  6. You can also use the following buttons to insert placeholders. These placeholders will be replaced by the applicable text when the email notification is sent:

    Placeholder Button


    Document Name

    Click to insert the document's Auto-Name string.

    Document Revision

    Click to insert the document's revision number.

    Reading Group Name

    Click to insert the document's Reading Group name.

    Date Added

    Click to insert the date the document was added to the group.

    Deadline Date

    Click to insert the reading deadline date.

    Approval Group Name

    Click to insert the Approval Group name.


    This is only available when configuring the Document Added to Approval Group notification type.

    Usage Policy

    Click to insert the text of the Reading Group's usage policy.

    Document Comment

    Click to insert the comment specified by the administrator when the document was added to the Reading Group.

    Recipient Username

    Click to insert the message recipient's OnBase user name.

    Recipient Real Name

    Click to insert the message recipient's real name.


    Click to insert the whether the document has been flagged as Reference, either by the Document Administrator or the Reading Group member.

    Approval Type

    Click to insert the Approval Type for the Reading Group.


    This is only available when configuring the Document Added to Approval Group notification type.


    If Internal Mail will be used to send the notification, limit the Message Body field to 250 characters. Notifications longer than 250 characters will be truncated.

  7. If necessary, click Clear to remove all text from the notification or click Set to Default to revert to the default notification.
  8. Click Save to save changes to the notification, or click Cancel to close the Email Notification Text dialog box without saving changes.