Approval Group Settings - Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance

Enterprise Web Access for Document Knowledge Transfer & Compliance
Foundation 22.1

Approval Group Type settings govern who (either all or any) among the members of the selected Approval Group gets to approve the document before distribution to reader queues.

  • All to Approve Document- Every member of the Approval Group must first approve the document before it can be added to a Reading Group. If only one Approval member rejects the document, the document is rejected, and therefore, cannot be distributed.

  • Any to Approve Document- Any member of the Approval Group can approve the document to be added to a Reading Group. In this case, only one person from an Approval Group is needed to make a decision on a document. If any member of this Approval Group rejects a document, no one else can vote to approve it, it is rejected by the entire Approval Group.