Document Administrators can add documents to a Reading Group manually by using a right-click option.
To add documents to a Reading Group:
- From a list of documents, select the documents you want to add to the Reading Group.
- Right-click the selected documents.
Select Knowledge Transfer | Add to Reading Group.
If one Reading Group is configured, and you attempt to add a document already present in that Reading Group, the DKT Reader displays a message that the document is already assigned to all available Reading Groups.
The Assign Document dialog box is displayed.
Select a Reading Group from the Reading Group drop-down list.
If the document you are adding is already assigned to a Reading Group, that Reading Group cannot be selected in the Reading Groups drop-down list.
Specify the following settings:
Make document available on
The date and time when the selected documents will become available to the Reading Group members. This field cannot be left blank.
This date and time cannot be after the deadline for reading the document. For example, if the deadline is set to 01/05/2018 05:00 PM, then the Make document available on date and time must be before the deadline date and time of 01/05/2018 05:00 PM.
Note:If Distribution Services are configured for the Reading Group, email distribution occurs on the day the document is added to the Reading Group, not on the day the document becomes available to members.
Document to be read by
The deadline for reading the selected documents. Documents not read by this date appear in the Delinquent tab for the Reading Group. If this field is left blank, a deadline date will not be assigned to the selected documents.
Note:This option can only be selected when a Reading Group is configured for deadlines.
Make document unavailable until a test is assigned
The option to make documents not visible in a Reading Group or in DKT Administration until after a test is assigned through Compliance Testing Administration.
Mark document as Reference
The option to automatically add selected documents to the Reading Group Reference tab and the Not Viewed tab.
Mark document as High Priority
The option to show a high priority alert on selected documents in the Reading Group.
The reason why the document is being added to the Reading Group. Comments are limited to 30,000 characters.
- In the Approval Groups section, select an Approval Group from the Available list.
Click the right arrow button to add the selected Approval Group to the Assigned To list.
If the Reading Group is configured to require approval, you must assign an Approval Group before you exit the dialog box.
Click Assign to assign the document to the specified Reading Group. You are prompted to confirm this action.
If a Reading Group is configured to require or allow approval, users of the Approval Group must approve the document before it is displayed in a user's Reading Group list. To approve a document for a Reading Group, see Approving Documents for a Reading Group.