Launch the OnBase Configuration module and log in as a user with the necessary rights and privileges to configure Event Relay Server.
From the Utils menu, select Event Relay Server | Configuration. The Event Relay Server dialog is displayed.
Each ERS server configured is assigned a unique ID number. To view the ID number later, select a previously configured server in the list; the ID number is the ERS # displayed in the upper right corner of the Event Relay Server dialog box.
- Enter a name for this configuration in the field beneath the Name list.
Click Create. The Event Relay Server Settings dialog is displayed.
- Enter in the URL field the full URL where the Event Relay Server should send event messages (e.g., http://your-domain/EventListener/).
Enter the number of Redelivery Attempts in the field provided. This is a whole number representing the number of times OnBase should attempt to deliver events to the listener. If this number is reached and the events still have not been delivered, OnBase attempts to send those events again at the next update.
The Redelivery Attempts setting is maintained for legacy purposes only. This setting has no effect in the current version of the software.
Select the Target Type(the Target Types available depend on the modules your system is licensed for).
Default: The external application is not specific to any other OnBase module or functionality.
Meditech: The external application is specific to the OnBase Integration for Meditech module.
Enterprise Integration Server: The external application is specific to the OnBase Enterprise Integration Server (EIS) module. Only one instance of EIS can be configured.
Note:The URL and Redelivery Attempts are not used if the Target Type is Enterprise Integration Server. For complete details on configuring the Event Relay Server for use with the Enterprise Integration Server, see the Enterprise Integration Server module reference guide.
Third Party ECM: The external application is specific to the OnBase Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems.
- Click OK. You are returned to the Event Relay Server dialog.
Make sure the configuration you just created is selected in the Name list, then click Document Types. The Assign Document Types dialog is displayed.
Select the Document Types to add in the Available pane and click Add. The Document Types selected are moved to the Selected pane. The Event Relay Server monitors activities on documents under the Document Types in the Selected pane and reports those events to the external application configured.
To remove a Document Type, select it in the Selected pane and click Remove. The Document Type is moved to the Available pane and documents archived under it are no longer monitored for events.
- Click Close. You are returned to the Event Relay Server dialog.
Click Close.
The Event Relay Server Service must be restarted in order to reflect updated configurations or newly added URLs.