In order to use Event Relay Server, you must copy the required files to the workstation running the Event Relay Server service.
- Locate the required files in your source installation files. They are typically located in the in the \apps\NTServices\Hyland.Core.Notification folder.
Copy the required files to the workstation running the Event Relay Server service. The files required depend on whether or not you have the OnBase Application Server already installed.
If you are copying the required files to an existing OnBase Application Server, make sure the Event Relay Server files you are copying are from the same software release version as the existing files.
If you have the OnBase Application Server installed, copy the following files into the bin folder of your Application Server (in a default installation, the bin folder is located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer\bin):-
Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.ArchivalService.MessageGenerator.dll (only required if you are using Event Relay Server with OnBase for Meditech)
Hyland.Integrations.TPE.dll (only required if you are using Event Relay Server with the Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems)
Note:It is a best practice not to copy the additional files in the Hyland.Core.Notification folder to the application server bin folder. While the additional files are required to use Event Relay Server, they are included with all application server and Core installations and do not need to be copied. If you are prompted to replace any files while copying, click no to prevent your application server or Core installation files from being overwritten with incompatible versions of those files.
If you do not have the OnBase Application Server installed, copy the contents of the entire folder to any location on the workstation running the service (for example, C:\Program Files\Hyland\EventRelayServer). -
Open the Hyland.Core.Notification.NTService.exe.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.
Do not use a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word, to edit the .config file.
- Locate <add key="dataSource" under the DATASOURCE CONFIGURATION options and change the value to the ODBC name used to connect to OnBase.
- Locate <add key="serviceUser" under the DATASOURCE CONFIGURATION options and change the value to the user name of the Service Account configured in OnBase for use with Event Relay Server (see Creating a Service Account).
- Locate <add key="servicePassword" under the DATASOURCE CONFIGURATION options and change the value to the password for the Service Account referenced in the serviceUser key.
- Locate <add key="pollingInterval" value="60" /> under the NOTIFICATION SERVICE PARAMETER CONFIGURATION options and change the value to number of seconds to wait between polling intervals. The configured data source is polled for events to report once every X seconds, where X is the value configured.
- Locate <add key="cleanupSchedule" value="10" /> under the NOTIFICATION SERVICE PARAMETER CONFIGURATION options and change the value to number of minutes to wait between clean up intervals. Successfully delivered event notification messages are removed from the configured data source once every X minutes, where X is the value configured.
If you are using Event Relay Server with the Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems, the following values must also be updated. These values are only required for the Storage Integration for Third Party ECM Systems.
Locate <add key="hostServiceAddress" under the Third Party ECM PLUG-IN SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION options and change the value to reflect URL of the machine that ERS is installed on. For example, http://machine-name:4201 or
Locate <add key="certificateName" under the Third Party ECM PLUG-IN SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION options. If the hostServiceAddress value is an https address, update the certificateName value to be the distinguished name of the certificate, otherwise leave the value empty. The distinguished name can be found using the Certificates snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console. On the Details tab of the certificate, the Subject is the distinguished name (e.g., CN = DistinguishedName). Do not include any spaces when entering this value in the certificateName key (e.g., enter CN=DistinguishedName).
If the data being transferred may include Keyword Values that contain extended characters not allowed in XML, locate <add key="useCDataBlocks" under NOTIFICATION SERVICE PARAMETER CONFIGURATION and set the value to true. This ensures that all data values are wrapped in CDATA blocks in the XML messages used by Event Relay Server.
Depending on the XML parser used by the listener created for use with Event Relay Server, CDATA blocks may not be allowed.
- Locate the connectionStrings element.
- Save and close the .config file.
- Open a Windows command prompt and navigate to the version of the .NET Framework the Event Relay Server service will use (for example, enter cd c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version> at the command prompt, where <version> is the required version of the .NET Framework, then press Enter).
- Install the Event Relay Server service by executing the installutil command on the Hyland.Core.Notification.NTService.exe executable (for example, installutil C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer\bin\Hyland.Core.Notification.NTService.exe).
- Close the command prompt once the service is installed.
Assign a domain account to the installed Hyland Event Relay Server service. The domain account assigned to the service must have access rights to the OnBase Disk Groups.
Domain accounts are assigned to the service using the Windows Control Panel:
- Select Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Component Services | Services (Local) and locate the Hyland Event Relay Server.
- Right click the Hyland Event Relay Server and select Properties.
On the Log On tab, select This account and enter in the field provided a user with rights to the OnBase Disk Groups.
The user must be added in the form of <domain>\<user>, where <domain> is the domain the user logs in from and <user> is the user's user name (e.g., mydomain\bsmith).
- Enter the Password for the user in the field provided and repeat the same value in the Confirm password field.
Click Apply, then click OK.
For complete details on using the Windows Control Panel or assigning a domain account to a Windows service, see the Windows help files provided by Microsoft.
- Under the General tab of the Hyland Event Relay Server Properties, ensure that the Startup type is set to Automatic. This means the service is automatically started when the workstation is turned on.
Click Apply, then click OK.
Before starting the Hyland Event Relay Server service you must configure a connection string to connect to the OnBase database. This is in addition to the ODBC data source configured in the *.exe.config file. See Managing Connection Strings.