Basic Exception Reports - Exception Reports - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Exception Reports

Exception Reports
Foundation 22.1

Basic Exception Reports return missing and matching documents of a single Document Type related to documents of a base Document Type.

  1. To create a Basic Exception Report, in the Configuration module, select Printing | Basic Exception Reports from the menu bar. The Basic Exception Reports dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter the name of the new report in the field at the bottom of the screen. In the example above, the new report is Missing Packing Slip Report. Click Create.
  3. Select the new report and click Settings. The Basic Exception Report Document Types dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the base document type from the Base Document Type for Report drop-down list. This is the base Document Type that will be used to relate to another, secondary Document Type in the Exception Report process. Select the related Document Type from the Related Document Type for Report drop-down list.
  5. Select the reporting options:



    Report Missing Related Documents

    Lists all occurrences of missing documents of the related Document Type.

    Report Matching Documents

    Lists all occurrences of matching documents of the related Document Type.

    Validate Total of Secondary Keywords

    Compares the sum of Keyword values on secondary documents to a Keyword value on the base document. This is useful if multiple documents are required to match a single document (e.g., multiple check amounts must match a single invoice amount). Secondary Keyword Types used for validation must be of Data Type Currency or Numeric (Up to 9 digits).

    Don't Show Keyword Values on Report

    Causes the Keyword type names and associated values to not display in the selected Exception Report.

  6. Click Save. The Basic Exception Reports dialog box is displayed.
  7. Click the Keyword Types button. The Keyword Selection dialog box is displayed.

    Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups cannot be used with the Exceptions Reports module.

  8. Select all Keyword Types in the Available Keyword Types list that will be used to match the base documents to the related documents. Click Add>> to add the Keywords to the Selected Keyword Types list. The sequence of the Keywords in this list is used for the retrieval sequence. The Keyword that uniquely identifies the document group should be listed first (such as PO #) followed by the Keywords that limit that group of items (such as Amount). Click Move Up or Move Down to re-order the Keywords.
  9. When all of the necessary Keyword types are selected, click Close. The Basic Exception Reports dialog box is displayed.
  10. Click the Validation button to select validation Keywords. The Keyword Types to Validate dialog box is displayed. Select a Keyword in the left pane and click Add>> to use it as a validation Keyword.

    Validation Keywords are used once the system has matched a document of the base Document Type with a document of the related Document Type, to have the system check the value of other Keywords to see if they match. The related document will still be considered a match if the validation Keyword values are different, but any differences will appear in the report that is generated, to be available for additional verification.

  11. Click Close to return to the Basic Exception Reports dialog box.
  12. Click the Routing button. The Exception Report Routing Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  13. Select the routing option to use.
    • Do not route exceptions: Documents that generate exceptions are reported only.

    • Send exceptions to the selected envelope: Documents that generate exceptions are reported and also placed in the selected envelope. When this option is selected, the drop-down list is enabled. Use the list to select an envelope in which to place documents when they generate exceptions.

    • Send exceptions to the selected workflow lifecycle: Documents that generate exceptions are reported and also sent to the selected Workflow Life Cycle. If a document generates multiple exceptions, only one instance of the document is added to the Workflow Life Cycle.

      When this option is selected, the drop-down list is enabled. Use the list to select a Workflow Life Cycle to send documents to when they generate exceptions.


    If documents that generate exceptions are going to be routed to an Envelope or Workflow lifecycle, an Envelope or Workflow lifecycle should be created specifically to handle only exceptions documents.

  14. Click Save.
  15. Click Close at the Basic Exception Reports dialog box to complete the configuration.