Standard Configuration - Exception Reports - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Exception Reports

Exception Reports
Foundation 23.1

To configure the standard functionality of Advanced Exception Reports:

  1. Select Advanced Exception Reports from the Printing menu in the Configuration module. The Advanced Exception Reports dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter the name of the new report in the field at the bottom of the dialog box. In the example above, the new report is named Missing Mortgage Loan Documents Report.
    To clear the current value of this field, click the Clear button.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select the new report in the Report Name list and click Settings. The Advanced Exception Reports Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a base Document Type from the Base Document Type drop-down list. This is the base Document Type that is going to be related to other Document Types in the Exception Reports process.
  6. Click the Document Types button. The Advanced Exception Report Related Document Types screen is displayed.
  7. Select a Document Type to search for and click Add>>. The Keywords Types to Match dialog box is displayed.

    To remove a previously selected Document Type, select it in the Selected Document Types list and click <<Remove. To clear the current selections, click Clear.

  8. On the Keywords Types to Match dialog box, select the Keywords required to match a related document to the base document from the Available Keyword Types list and click Add>>. The values of the selected Keyword Types must be the same on both base and related documents in order for the documents to be considered related.

    Select only the Keyword Types that uniquely identify the related document to the base document. In most cases, one or two Keyword Types are sufficient to produce a match. Too many Keyword Types could slow down the process.

    To remove a previously selected Keyword Type, select it in the Selected Keyword Types list and click <<Remove.

  9. Click Close.
  10. On the Advanced Exception Report Related Document Types dialog box, configure any additional Document Types and Keyword Types, then click Close.
  11. Click Apply on the Advanced Exception Reports Configuration dialog box to save your changes.

    To change these settings later, click the Settings button on the Advanced Exception Reports dialog box.


    The Base Document Type, related Document Types, and matching Keyword Types are the only items that must be configured to produce an Advanced Exception Report. Depending on the nature of the report, other options may be required. See Code Keyword Type Configuration and Additional Setting.

  12. On the Advanced Exception Reports dialog box, click Sort Keywords to configure how the information in the report is displayed. The Advanced Exception Report Sort Keyword dialog is displayed.
  13. To display a Keyword value in the report, select it from the Available Keyword Types list and click Add>>. The Keyword values are displayed in the report in the order they appear in the Selected Keyword Types list.

    Keyword sorting is not supported when the Advanced Exception Report is run from the Document Search Results list. It is only supported when the report is run from the Admin menu.

    To remove a Keyword Type value from the generated report, select it from the Selected Keyword Types list and click << Remove.

  14. Enter the Maximum Indent Level for the report in the field provided.

    In order to make generated reports easier to read, the system indents the text another level in the report for each of the sort Keywords configured. For example, if three sort Keywords are configured, the first Keyword is indented one level, the second is indented two levels, and the third is indented three levels.

    However, if the Keywords are indented too many levels the report can again become difficult to read. To prevent this, you can configure the Maximum Indent Level for the report. When the maximum indent level is reached, subsequent sort Keyword values are no longer indented another level but instead are indented at the maximum level set.

  15. Click Close to return to the Advanced Exception Reports dialog box.
  16. Click the Routing button. The Exception Report Routing Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  17. Select the routing option to use.
    • Do not route exceptions: Documents that generate exceptions are reported only.

    • Send exceptions to the selected envelope: Documents that generate exceptions are reported and also placed in the selected envelope. When this option is selected, the drop-down list is enabled. Use the list to select an envelope in which to place documents when they generate exceptions.

    • Send exceptions to the selected workflow lifecycle: Documents that generate exceptions are reported and also sent to the selected Workflow Life Cycle. If a document generates multiple exceptions, only one instance of the document is added to the Workflow Life Cycle.

      When this option is selected, the drop-down list is enabled. Use the list to select a Workflow Life Cycle to send documents to when they generate exceptions.


    If documents that generate exceptions are going to be routed to an Envelope or Workflow lifecycle, an Envelope or Workflow lifecycle should be created specifically to handle only exceptions documents.

  18. Click Save.
  19. Click Close on the Advanced Exception Reports dialog box to complete the configuration.

To delete an existing Advanced Exception Report configuration, select it in the Report Name list on the Advanced Exception Reports dialog box and click Delete. You are prompted to confirm this action.