The BUTTON Sub-Element - Express Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Express Scanning

Express Scanning
Foundation 23.1

Each BUTTON sub-element contains the configuration information for one Express Scanning button. In Express Scanning, a button represents one individual scan format and, generally, one individual OnBase Document Type, although you may configure multiple Document Types for a button (requiring the user to manually select a Document Type to associate with a document when the button is clicked).

For example, an Accounts Payable department might have an Invoices button, a Packing Slips-Scan button, and a Packing Slips-Sweep configured for their Express Scanning client.

To scan an invoice into OnBase, users click the Invoices button. To scan a Packing Slip into OnBase, users click the Packing Slips-Scan button. To sweep a Packing Slip into OnBase, users click the Packing Slips-Sweep button.

The BUTTON sub-element contains information about the button itself (e.g., the text label displayed on the button in the Express Scanning client, the path to a graphic to be displayed on a button, the height of the button, or the tooltip displayed when the user holds the pointer over the button), the pre- and post-scan messages displayed before and after a document is imported via the button, and about the Document Type and scan format represented by the button.

Multiple BUTTON sub-elements may compose the BUTTONS element, allowing multiple buttons to be available for each Express Scanning solution. Any number of buttons can be configured for an Express Scanning solution, but each button must be assigned to a location in order for that button to be available at that location. Any number of buttons can be assigned to a location, but a maximum of nine buttons can be displayed at one given time on the Express Scanning client user interface.

For information on configuring locations, see The LOCATIONS Element.

<BUTTON name="PACKING SLIPS BUTTON" label="Packing Slips" tooltip="Sweep" height="50" textcolor="0" image="C:\Express Scanning\Packing_slip.bmp" prescantitle="Packing Slips - Sweep" prescanmessage="Prepare Packing Slips to be Swept from Disk. Press OK to continue." documenttype="AP - Packing Slips" scanformat="Sweep" fileformat="2" scanqueueid="0" unindexed="true" postscantitle="Packing Slips - Scan from Disk" postscanmessage="Sweep Complete!" autoselect="true" autoarchive="true" />




This setting assigns a name for the button created by the BUTTON sub-element.


This name is used for configuration purposes only. The text displayed on the button in the Express Scanning client is determined by the Label setting.

This name setting is used to assign the button to a location in the Location sub-element.


For more information on locations, see The LOCATIONS Element.


This setting controls the text that is used to label the button in the Express Scanning client.


It is considered a best practice to give each button a name that corresponds to the type of document being scanned. For example, the button used to scan invoice documents could be labeled Invoices.


This setting controls the text that is displayed as a tooltip when the user places the pointer on top of the button.


This setting allows you to configure the height of the button (in pixels) as it is displayed in the Express Scanning client.

For example, to set a button to a height of 25 pixels, you would set the height setting to 25 (height="25").

By default, buttons are set to a height of 50 pixels.


This setting controls the color of the text used to label the button in the Express Scanning client.

The setting must be set to the RGB value of the desired text color. For example, the RGB value of black is 0, so to display the button label text in black, the textcolor setting must be set to 0 (textcolor=”0”).


This setting allows you to identify an image to be displayed on the button.

This setting must be a full path to the image file. For example, image="C:\images\image.gif".


The image is automatically scaled to fit within the button's area. When you resize the button, the Express Scanning client resizes the image accordingly.


If the master configuration file resides on an HTTP(S) server and the masterconfig tag in the local configuration file is set to a URL, then the image tag can also use a URL to point to image files. However, if the masterconfig tag uses a file path or UNC, the image tag must instead use a file path.

prescantitle / prescanmessage

These settings allow you to configure a pre-scan message to be displayed after the Document Type button is selected.

The prescantitle setting is used to set the text for the title bar of the pre-scan message. For example, if you would like the text of the title bar to be Scan Documents, set the prescantitle attribute to Scan Documents (i.e., prescantitle=”Scan Documents”).

The prescanmessage setting is used to set the body text of the pre-scan message. For example, if you would like the text of the pre-scan message to be Click OK to Continue, set the prescanmessage attribute to Click OK to Continue (i.e., prescanmessage=”Click OK to Continue”).


Pre-scan messages (and other features that require user interaction) should not be configured for Document Type buttons that are configured to be selected automatically via the autoselect setting.


This setting identifies the Document Types that are available for documents that are scanned, scanned from disk, or swept into OnBase when the button is clicked.

Generally, one Document Type is assigned to the Document Type button, and the documenttype setting is set to the name of the Document Type name.

For example, if you are scanning invoice documents, the documenttype setting must be set to AP-Invoices (documenttype=”AP-Invoices”).

However, you can specify multiple Document Types for the Document Type button, requiring users to select the Document Type to associate with a document when the button is clicked, by entering multiple Document Type names (separated by a semicolon) for the documenttype setting.

For example, to allow users to scan invoices, packing slips and shipping labels from a single Document Type button, the documenttype setting must contain all three Document Type names (documenttype=”AP - Invoices;AP - Packing Slips;AP - Shipping Labels”).


Multiple Document Types should not be configured for Document Type buttons configured to be automatically selected when a document is printed to OnBase (i.e., Document Type buttons that are configured to use the autoselect setting).


This setting identifies the scan format used by this button to scan or sweep the image.


A scan format is configured in a SCANFORMAT sub-element. See The SCANFORMATS Element for more information on configuring a scan format.

This setting must be set to the name of the scan format to be used. The scan format's name is configured by the formatname setting in the SCANFORMAT sub-element used to configure the scan format.

For example, to configure the button to use a scan format named Scan-TWAIN, the scanformat setting must be set to Scan-TWAIN (scanformat="Scan-TWAIN").


This setting identifies the file format of the document once it is archived in OnBase.

The fileformat setting must be set to the File Format # of the file format of the document being imported. For example, the File Format # of an image document is 2, so you would set the fileformat setting to 2 when configuring a button to scan or sweep an image document (fileformat="2").


You can find File Format #s in the File Format Configuration dialog box in the OnBase Configuration module (Document | File Formats).


This setting controls if scanned documents are to be ad-hoc imported into OnBase or if they are to be routed as a batch to a scan queue.

To ad-hoc import a scanned or swept document, set the scanqueueid setting to 0 (scanqueueid="0").

To route a scanned or swept document as a batch to a scan queue, set the scanqueueid setting to the Queue # of the scan queue the document is to be routed to. For example, if you want to route a document to scan queue #101, set the scanqueueid setting to 101 (scanqueueid="101").


You can find Queue #s in the Scan Queue Configuration dialog box in the OnBase Configuration module (Import | Scan Queues).



This setting is used only when documents are being routed as a batch to a scan queue (when the scanqueueid setting is set to anything other than 0).

This setting controls the indexing status of the documents being scanned or swept into OnBase.

To route a document to the Awaiting Indexing batch status queue, set the unindexed setting to true (unindexed="true").

To mark documents as fully-indexed and route documents past the indexing batch status queues, set the unindexed setting to false (unindexed="false").

postscantitle / postscanmessage

These settings allow you to configure a post-scan message to be displayed after the Document Complete dialog box is displayed.

The postscantitle setting is used to set the text for the title bar of the post-scan message. For example, if you would like the text of the title bar to be Scan Complete, set the postscantitle attribute to Scan Complete (i.e., postscantitle="Scan Complete").

The postscanmessage setting is used to set the body text of the post-scan message. For example, if you would like the text of the post-scan message to be Click OK to Continue, set the postscanmessage attribute to Click OK to Continue (i.e., postscanmessage="Click OK to Continue").


Post-scan messages (and other features that require user interaction) should not be configured for Document Type buttons that are configured to be selected automatically via the autoselect setting.



This setting is only used if your OnBase solution is also licensed for the Virtual Print Driver and you are configuring a Print to OnBase solution.

This setting allows you to configure a button to be automatically selected and associated with a document printed to OnBase(i.e., a document printed by the Virtual Print Driver and captured by the Express Scanning client).

To automatically associate a Document Type button with a document printed to OnBase, set the autoselect setting to true (autoselect=”true”).

To prevent a button from being automatically associated with a document printed to OnBase, set the autoselect button to false (autoselect="false") or remove it from the BUTTON sub-element.


The autoselect setting should not be enabled for any Document Type buttons that are configured to be associated with multiple Document Types (see the documenttype setting information for more information).


Only one Document Type button per location should be configured to use the autoselect setting. If the autoselect setting is enabled for multiple buttons configured to display for a single location, the captured documents are associated with the first button listed (i.e., the Document Type button with the BUTTON sub-element that is listed first in the master configuration file).

If you are using a Print to OnBase solution in non-interactive mode, you must enable the autoselect setting for one Document Type button at each location.

If you are using a Print to OnBase solution in interactive mode, you can enable the autoselect setting for one Document Type button at each location, but it is not required.


For more information on configuring a Print to OnBase solution, see Configuring a Print to OnBase Solution.


This setting allows you to configure documents to be automatically uploaded to OnBase once the scanning, scan from disk or sweeping process is complete (i.e., the Document Complete dialog box is bypassed and the document is automatically uploaded).

To enable automatic uploads for a Document Type button, set the autoarchive setting for the button to true (autoarchive="true").

To disable automatic uploads for a Document Type button, set the autoarchive setting to false (autoarchive="false") or remove it from the BUTTON sub-element associated with the Document Type button.


The autoarchive setting is not required for documents printed to OnBase. These documents are always automatically uploaded once they have been associated with a Document Type button.



This setting is only used if your OnBase solution is also licensed for the Virtual Print Driver and you are configuring a Print to OnBase solution.

This setting allows you to save the user name of the user that prints a document to OnBase as a Keyword Value on that document.

When the Virtual Print Driver's default spool directory is configured to use the %username% option, a user name variable is added to the default spool directory, which creates a unique subdirectory for each user printing a document. The use of the vpduserkey setting saves the subdirectory name to the specified Keyword Type. Using these settings, the name of the user that printed the document to OnBase can be saved as a Keyword on the document.


See the Virtual Print Driver module reference guide for more information about the default spool directory and the %username% setting.

To save the Virtual Print Driver user as a Keyword Value, set the vpduserkey setting to the alphanumeric Keyword Type to which you want to save the user name (vpduserkey="Keyword Type").

To save the user name as a Keyword Value for a document, the specified Keyword Type must be assigned to the necessary Document Types.


Use this setting with a button that is configured with autoselect="true" to automatically save the user name as a Keyword when a new document is received from the Virtual Print Driver.


For more information on configuring a Print to OnBase solution, see Configuring a Print to OnBase Solution.