The -DATA command line switch allows you to define variables and their definitions for use by the Express Scanning client as document Keyword Values or in the Express Scanning client's title bar.
The variables and their definitions are specific to the shortcut that they are added to; if the Express Scanning client is launched from another shortcut, then the variables and definitions will not be available.
Both the variables and their definitions are defined by the -DATA command line switch:
- DATA=<VariableName>="<VariableDefinition>"
For example, you could create a variable that identified the workstation that was used to scan and upload a document by adding the following command line switch to the Express Scanning shortcut on that machine:
Once the Express Scanning client is launched from the shortcut with this command line switch applied, the Workstation#1 variable definition would be available to that workstation. It could be used in the Express Scanning client's title bar or as a default Keyword Value, if the master configuration file is configured to use the %WorkstationID% variable.
To define multiple variables using the -DATA command line switch, separate them with a semi-colon (;).
For example, you could create variables that identify the location of the workstation and the workstation ID for the workstation that was used to scan and upload a document by adding the following command line switch to the Express Scanning shortcut on that machine:
-DATA=WorkstationID="Workstation#1";Location="Shipping Department"
Once the Express Scanning client is launched from the shortcut with this command line switch applied, both the Workstation#1 and Shipping Department variable definitions would be available to that workstation.