Usage - Express Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Express Scanning

Express Scanning
Foundation 23.1

Express Scanning is used to scan, scan from disk, or sweep documents into a central OnBase solution from a remote location. All scanning options have been pre-configured by your system administrator.

Additionally, if your OnBase solution is licensed for the Virtual Print Driver, you can Print to OnBase by capturing documents printed via the Virtual Print Driver and uploading them to OnBase via the Express Scanning client.

To import documents using Express Scanning:

  1. From the Express Scanning client, select the Document Type button for the type of document you are importing into OnBase.

    For example, using the Express Scanning client shown below, if you are planning to import an invoice, you would select the Invoices button.

  2. Depending on your configuration, a message may be displayed after you select the Document Type button.

    The message's title bar and text are configurable for each Document Type button.

  3. Depending on your configuration, multiple Document Types may be assigned to a Document Type button.

    In this case, the Select Document Type dialog box is displayed.

    1. Using the Document Type drop-down, select the Document Type you would like to associate with the document being scanned, scanned from disk, or swept into OnBase.
    2. Click OK.
  4. Depending on your configuration, one or more Keyword Value Input dialog boxes may be displayed before you scan, scan from disk, or sweep a document into OnBase. For each, enter a Keyword Value and click OK.

    The Keyword Value Input dialog box's title bar and text are configurable and may be different than those in this example.

  5. All scanning options, including if the document is to be scanned, scanned from disk, or swept into OnBase, have already been configured for the Document Type by your system administrator.