The following licenses are required:
An External Access Client license. One External Access Client license is required per portal. Alternately, an Enterprise External Access Client license may be used.
One of the following Monthly Active-User Fee subscription levels:
Monthly Active-User Fee
External Access Client Read Only User
Grants access to portals including the following StatusView portlets:
Custom Query
External Links
External Access Client Contribute User
Grants access to the External Access Client Read Only User portlets and the following additional StatusView portlets:
File Upload
External Access Client Full Access User
Grants access to the External Access Client Read Only User portlets, the External Access Client Contribute User portlets, and the following additional StatusView portlets:
Workflow Dashboard
Workflow Process Statistics
Workflow Queue Activity
Workflow Queue Filter
WorkView Filter
WorkView Summary
Each Monthly Active-User Fee inherits access to the portlets in the previous subscription level.
Some StatusView portlets are based on modules that require additional licensing. To use a portlet for a specific module, your system must be licensed for the module.
A Web Server license.
A Unity Client Server license.
A Workflow license. External Access Client users are approved using Workflow. See the Workflow module reference guide for more information about Workflow licensing options.
If the External Access Client is set up for external users, at least one Concurrent Client license for each owned module that you want to use with the External Access Client must be in place for the administrator/internal deployment. The module-specific client license is not needed/consumed on the user side when an external user is accessing the portal.
Check your current licensing status by selecting Utils | Product Licenses from the Configuration module.