Super User Administration - External Access Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

External Access Client

External Access Client
Foundation 23.1

Super Users are portal users who have rights to delete users who are connected to them. Users are connected by a custom user request field, such as a company ID, which groups users who enter the same value for that field.


For more information about user request fields that group users for Super User administration, see Super User Security Request Fields.

Super Users have access to the Super User tab in the portal.

From this tab, Super Users can delete, deactivate, and activate selected users.

To select a user, select the check box next to the user's name. Multiple users can be selected at once.

To delete selected users, click Delete User.

To lock selected users, click Lock User. When a user is locked, (Locked) appears next to the user's e-mail address.

To reactivate users that have been deactivated, select the users and click Activate User.

To select from another page of users, click the page number below the list.