Emailing Documents and Links to Documents - External Mail Services - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

External Mail Services

External Mail Services
Foundation 22.1

Emailing a document or a link to a document requires that you have a functional Microsoft Outlook, IBM Notes, or Novell GroupWise email client or Gmail account. You cannot email documents or links to documents in the Unity Client with any other email client.


If using Microsoft Outlook as your email client, Outlook must be running as the same account type as the External Mail Services. For example, if Outlook is running in administrator mode (accessed by right-clicking the executable file and selecting Run as administrator), the External Mail Services must also be running in administrator mode.


When Microsoft Outlook and Novell GroupWise are installed on the same machine, using GroupWise as the Default Mail Client for the Unity Client may result in unexpected behavior and is not supported.

Single documents, a list of multiple documents, folders, Custom Query results, E-Form and Unity Form Creation pages can all be sent as Unity Pop links or Unity Pop Files. Unity Pop Links and Unity Pop Files are available, depending on your configuration, as Mail Recipient (as Link). If you are configured to use DocPop, clicking Mail Recipient (as Link) will allow you to send a single document or a list of multiple documents.

You must have user rights to email a document or a link to a document. User rights are managed by your system administrator.

Certain special characters are not supported in file names. If these characters appear in the document's Auto-Name string, they are replaced with a space or substituted with other characters that are supported. The following special characters are replaced with a space: @ # $ % ^ & = { } [ ] : " ; ' < >. Character substitutions are as follows:

Auto-Name Character












To email a document:

  1. From the Document Search Results list:
    • Select one or more documents and click Send To on the Document tab.

    • Select one or more documents, right-click, and select Send To.

    From an open image or text document:

    • Click Send To on the Document tab.

    • Right-click and select Send To.

  2. Select Mail Recipient (as Attachment) to email the document(s) as an attachment.
    Select Mail Recipient (as Link) to email a link to the document(s).
  3. If you selected Mail Recipient (as Link), OnBase displays a blank email message containing a link to each selected document.

    If OnBase has been configured to use DocPop or Unity Pop URI links, a single link to all documents is generated. A hit list of all documents selected will be opened when the link is clicked. Proceed to step 11.

    If you selected Mail Recipient (as Attachment), and the document is not an image or text document, you may be prompted to select an email template in the Send to Mail pane. If the Email Template drop-down list is displayed, proceed to step 6. If the Email Template drop-down list is not displayed, proceed to step 10.

    If you selected Mail Recipient (as Attachment), and the document is an image or text document, or you selected multiple documents including an image or text document, the Send to Mail pane is displayed:


    If you selected multiple documents, including documents that are not image or text documents, the documents will automatically be sent in their native format. Depending on your configuration, you may be able to select an email template in the Send to Mail pane. If the Email Template drop-down list is displayed, proceed to step 6. If the Email Template drop-down list is not displayed, proceed to step 10.

    If you are using Gmail as your external mail client, the Send to Mail pane may prompt you to log into Google or, if you are already logged in, will display a profile icon.


    Hover over the profile icon to see which Google user is logged in.


    If a Google account is already logged in and you would like to switch users, you can click the profile icon and select Log out from Google to log the Google account out of OnBase. You will also need to log out of Google from your web browser to log out fully.

  4. Select one of the following from the File Format of Attachment drop-down list:

    File Format of Attachment


    Default/TIFF Format

    Sends the document as a TIFF file.

    Available for documents with any of the following file formats:

    • Image file format

    • PCL

    • PCL with overlay

    • Text report format

    • Text report format with overlay

    Unencrypted PDF

    Sends the document as a PDF file.

    Available for documents with any of the following file formats:

    • Image file format

    • PCL

    • PCL with overlay

    • Text report format

    • Text report format with overlay

    Encrypted PDF

    Sends the document as an encrypted PDF file. Upon choosing this Content Type, you will be prompted to enter a password, which the recipient will need to enter upon opening the attachment.

    Available for documents with any of the following file formats:

    • Image file format

    • PCL

    • PCL with overlay

    • Text report format

    • Text report format with overlay

    Native Format

    Sends the document in the format in which it is stored in OnBase(e.g., OLE documents such as Word documents and PDFs, uncompressed text documents, most image documents).

    Overlays are not applied.


    This Content Type is only available if the selected documents can be successfully mailed in their native format.


    This option is unavailable for multi-page image documents.

    Text Format

    Saves the document as a .txt file.

    Available for documents with compressed text file formats. This includes documents imported with COLD or documents with the with the .ctx file type.

    If you are sending an encrypted PDF, you are required to type an encryption password in the Password field, which is displayed below the File Format of Attachment field in the Send to Mail pane. This password is case-sensitive and can include alphanumeric or special characters. It cannot contain Unicode characters.


    If you lose or forget the encryption password, it cannot be recovered.

  5. Select one of the following from the Settings drop-down list:



    Send All Pages

    All pages in the selected document will be sent.

    Send Custom Range

    The page(s) specified in the Pages field will be sent. Enter page numbers and/or page ranges, separated by commas. For example: 1,3,5-12.


    This option is unavailable when File Format of Attachment is set to Native Format.

  6. Depending on your configuration, the Email Template drop-down list may be displayed in the Send to Mail pane. The template you select will change the default text in the subject and body of your email message.

    If the template you select contains a Keyword Type that does not exist on the document, that Keyword Value is replaced with a blank space.

  7. If you are sending a document containing notes or annotations, the Note Options drop-down list is available. Select either of the following:



    Annotation and/or Note Icon On Document

    The document is emailed with any annotations and note icons displayed on the document. If you move a note before emailing the document, the note is displayed in its last saved location. Note locations are saved when a document is closed.

    Note Text On Document

    The document is emailed with the title and text of any notes in that note's location on the document, along with the name of the user that created the note and the date and time it was created. If this option is selected with Annotation and/or Note Icon On Document, the text is displayed below the icon. If you move a note before emailing the document, the note is displayed in its last saved location. Note locations are saved when a document is closed.

  8. When sending multiple image or text documents, the Apply Settings to Subsequent Documents check box is available:

    When it is selected, the File Format of Attachment selection is applied to all subsequent documents. The Settings drop-down list and Pages field are not available. The Note Options drop-down list is only available if the first selected document contains notes.

    When it is not selected, you are required to repeats steps 4 through 7 for each document. Navigate through the documents using the Next Document button:


    You are only able to select an email template for the first document.

  9. Click Send:

    If Gmail is configured as your external mail client, you may be prompted to accept External Mail Services Checkout Account Permissions after clicking Send.

  10. OnBase displays an email message with the selected document(s)/page(s) attached. If you selected an email template in step 6, the email message includes text from that template. If you did not select an email template, the email message is blank.

    Depending on your system's configuration, the file name for the attachment may be based on the document's Auto-Name string, or it may be an automatically generated attachment ID.

    If an attachment's name is not unique, for example, because you are sending two files with the same Auto-Name string, then OnBase makes the name unique by appending _ (underscore) followed by a number.


    If you are sending multiple OnBase documents or Unity Pop files with IBM Notes, a ZIP file containing all documents or files is attached to the email message.

  11. Enter the recipient(s) of the message.
  12. Type the body of the message.
  13. Send the message.