Email Selected Text as Attachment - External Mail Services - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

External Mail Services

External Mail Services
Foundation 24.1

You can select and send text from a text document as an attachment using your configured third-party email program.

OnBase External Mail Services respects restrictions set by third-party email systems (such as file attachment size limits). This may result in a situation where the user is presented with the OnBase Mail Message dialog box instead of the email program's native dialog box. For more information on how to use the OnBase Mail Message dialog box, see Using the OnBase Mail Message Dialog Box.


If you are using Novell GroupWise, the OnBase Mail Message dialog box is always displayed. The GroupWise native email dialog box is not available when using External Mail Services to send email.

To email selected text as an attachment:

  1. Open a text document and select text from text file (by line, column, or block) by left-clicking and dragging the mouse to define the region of text.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Upon releasing the mouse button, select Mail Selected as Attachment from the displayed options.

    • Click the Mail Selected Text as Attachment toolbar button.

    The Mail Selection Options dialog box is displayed:

  3. Select from the following options:

    Text Range



    Sends the entire text of the document.


    Sends the selected area of text.


    Sends text from the specified pages.

    Line Conversion


    Make text one paragraph

    Converts the text into a single paragraph without line breaks. Lines from the original document are separated by an extra space.

    Maintain each line as a separate line

    Preserves the line breaks of the text from the original document.

    Space Conversion


    No Conversion

    Preserves the spaces between the text from the original document.

    Convert spaces to a TAB

    Depending on the number you enter in the field, the system converts that number or more spaces from the original document into a tab. For example, if you enter a 2 into the field, when the system finds two or more consecutive spaces in the document, it will convert them to a tab.

    Form Feed Conversion


    Convert Form Feeds to a new line (CR/LF)

    Converts form feed code from the original document to a new line, if applicable.

    Preserve Form Feeds

    Preserves form feed code from the original document, if applicable.

    Remove Lines


    Remove Header Line

    Removes unwanted text from the top of each page of the original document. The number of lines removed from the header is determined by the Report Header Line value set in Document | Document Type | View / Print in the Configuration module. For more information on Report Header Line value, see the System Administration documentation.

    Remove Footer Line

    Removes unwanted text from the bottom of each page of the original document. The number of lines removed from the footer is determined by the Report Footer Line value set in Document | Document Type | View / Print in the Configuration module. For more information on the Report Footer Line value, see the System Administration documentation.

  4. Click Attach.
  5. Depending on your configuration, the email message is displayed in the email program's native dialog box or the OnBase Mail Message dialog box. The selected text is attached as a text document.

    PCL Printset file format can be emailed as either a TIFF file or native PCL file.