When OnBase receives the PeopleSoft authentication token as an encrypted cookie, OnBase needs to connect to the PeopleSoft server to validate the token and extract the user name.
It is recommended that a PeopleSoft user account is created for the sole purpose of validating the token. This account should have access only to the PeopleSoft single sign-on component interface (PRTL_SS_CI). This account should not be allowed to log in to PeopleSoft interactively (where a user provides credentials).
The authentication token can alternatively be included in the query string if a cookie cannot be used. To send the token in the query string, include the PS_SSO_TOKEN parameter on the query string (e.g., /AccLogin.aspx?DBID=VIS&SCREENID=Accounts-Payable&SEGMENT1=502&REVISION_NUM=6&PS_SSO_TOKEN=mwAAAAQDAgEBAAAAvAIAAAAAAAAsAAAABABTaGRyAk4).
The authentication token can alternatively be included in the query string if a cookie cannot be used.
For detailed instructions regarding the configuration of PeopleSoft, refer to the help files provided by PeopleSoft.