Configuring Required Keywords - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

To specify a Data Set's required Keyword Types:

  1. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, locate the Keywords element. If this element is not present, add it to the configuration file.
  2. Add a Keyword sub-element to Keywords element.
  3. Enter the name of the Keyword Type of the required Keyword directly between the Keyword tags.
  4. Optionally, the type, minLength, and maxLength settings can be added to the Keyword sub-element to perform Keyword Value validation:
    • Type. This setting allows you to perform data validation on a Keyword Value to ensure that it contains only data allowable for its associated Keyword Type.

      If the Keyword Value does not pass this validation test, an error message is displayed.

    • minLength. This setting allows you to specify a minimum character length for a Keyword Value to ensure that enough, if not all, of the value is captured to allow for retrieval.

      If the Keyword Value does not pass this validation test, an error message is displayed.

    • maxLength. This setting allows you to specify a maximum character length for a Keyword Value to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowable length for its associated Keyword Type.

      If the Keyword Value does not pass this validation test, an error message is displayed.


    For more information on the Front Office Scanning configuration file's Keywords element and its settings, see The Keywords Element.

  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each of the Data Set's required Keywords.
  6. Save and close the configuration file.