An HTML form used for manual Data Set creation is configured similarly to an E-Form template, although an E-Forms license is not required
HTML forms in Front Office Scanning support radio buttons, drop-down list boxes, and text fields for adding Keyword Values. See the E-Forms documentation for information on how to create/configure an HTML form.
The following exceptions to E-Forms configuration apply to configuring an HTML form for Front Office Scanning:
HTML Forms must use Keyword Type Name mapping
The OK button should be mapped to OBBtn_Yes or OBBtn_Save.
The Cancel button should be mapped to OBBtn_Cancel.
The type of button (submit or reset) for the OK and Cancel buttons is ignored.
Buttons that display calendars are supported.
If a title is specified in the HTML form, it is displayed in the title bar of the HTML Form window. If no title is specified, Keywords is displayed in the title bar of the HTML Form window.
Any option for E-Forms (hidden fields, check boxes, etc.) other than radio buttons, drop-down list boxes, and text fields for adding Keyword Values is NOT supported for Front Office Scanning.
Once the HTML form has been created, it must be placed in a location accessible to the Front Office Scanning workstation.