Document Type button filters are configured in the Front Office Scanning configuration file. All Document Type button filter information is contained in the Filter element; the configuration information for each individual filter is contained in a Keyword sub-element of the Filter element.
The Document Type button filters are based on Keyword Values; for each specified filter Keyword Value, you assign a Filter ID. When the specified filter Keyword Value is present in the selected Data Set, only the Document Type buttons that have been assigned a matching corresponding Filter ID are displayed.
For example:
Gender is specified as a filter Keyword Type with two potential Keyword Values, Male and Female,. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, the Male Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 1 and the Female Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 2.
If the selected Data Set contains the Male Keyword Value, then only Document Type buttons that have been assigned a Filter ID of 1 in their corresponding DocType sub-element are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains the Female Keyword Value, then only Document Type buttons that have been assigned a Filter ID of 2 in their corresponding DocType sub-element are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains no Keyword Value or another Keyword Value for the Gender Keyword (e.g., Unknown, Unspecified, etc.), then all Document Type buttons are displayed.
Multiple Filter ID values can be assigned to each Document Type button, making the Document Type button filters more restrictive. If the selected Data Set contains no Keyword Value that satisfies one of the filters, then that filter is discarded but any other filters may be applied.
For example:
Gender is specified as a filter Keyword Type with two potential Keyword Values, Male and Female. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, Male Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 1 and the Female Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 2.
Additionally, Insurance Status is specified filter Keyword Type with two potential Keyword Values, Insured and Uninsured. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, the Insured Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 3 and the Uninsured Keyword Value is assigned a Filter ID of 4.
If the selected Data Set contains the Male and Insured Keyword Values, then only the Document Type buttons that have been assigned 1 and 3 as their Filter ID values are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains the Female and Insured Keyword Values, then only the Document Type buttons that have been assigned 2 and 3 as their Filter ID values are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains the Male and Uninsured Keyword Values, then only the Document Type buttons that have been assigned 1 and 4 as their Filter ID values are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains the Female and Uninsured Keyword Values, then only the Document Type buttons that have been assigned 2 and 4 as their Filter ID values are displayed.
If the selected Data Set contains no value for the Gender Keyword Value and the Insured Keyword Value, then only Document Type buttons that been assigned a Filter ID of 3 are displayed (the Gender filter Keyword is ignored because no matching Keyword Value was found, but the filter for the Insurance Status Keyword Type was still applied).
To configure a filter Keyword: