Retrieving Only the Most Recently Archived Documents - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

By default, all documents belonging to configured Document Types with Keyword Values in common with the selected Data Set are available for retrieval. However, you can limit this available to only the most recent matching document for each Document Type.

This feature is configured at the Document Type level; this enables you to allow users to retrieve all matching documents for some Document Types and only the most recent matching documents for others.

To configure a Document Type to only allow the most recent matching document to be available for retrieval:

  1. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, locate the DocTypes element.
  2. Identify the DocType sub-element associated with the Document Type you are configuring the retrieval date range for.
  3. Within the DocType sub-element, locate the FilterSingleDocType setting. If this value is not present, add it to the DocType sub-element.
  4. Set the FilterSingleDocType setting to the true. For example:

    For more information on the Front Office Scanning configuration file's DocType element, including the FilterSingleDocType setting, see The DocTypes Element.

  5. Save and close the configuration file.

    When filtersingledoctype is set to true, the Front Office Scanning client looks only at the date the documents were uploaded to OnBase, not the time. If multiple matching documents were uploaded on the same date, the most recent document (based on the time it was stored) may not be returned.