Specifying Retrieval Keyword Types - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

In order to be available for retrieval in the Front Office Scanning client, a document must share one or more Keyword Values with the selected Data Set. The Keyword Values that the Front Office Scanning client uses to determine if a document is eligible for retrieval are specified in the Front Office Scanning configuration file.

For example:

Both MRN and Patient Name are configured as retrieval Keyword Types for a hospital's Front Office Scanning solution. In order for documents stored in OnBase to be available for retrieval in the Front Office Scanning client, those documents must be assigned the same MRN Keyword Value and the same Patient Name Keyword Value as the values in the selected Data Set.

To specify the retrieval Keyword Types:

  1. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, locate the Retrieval element. If the Retrieval element is not present, add it to the configuration file.
  2. Within the Retrieval element, locate the Keyword setting. If the Keyword setting is not present, add it to the Retrieval element.
  3. Set the Keyword setting to the name of the Keyword Type to be used as a retrieval Keyword Type. For example:
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each Keyword Type that you would like to use as retrieval Keyword Types.

    For each additional retrieval Keyword Type that is added, document retrieval becomes more restrictive.


    For more information on the Front Office Scanning configuration file's Retrieval element, see The Retrieval Element.

  5. Save and close the configuration file.