A Disconnected Scanning license is required to access Disconnected Scanning from the Front Office Scanning client. For more information, see the Disconnected Scanning documentation.
If you would like to configure OnBase Disconnected Scanning to launch from within Front Office Scanning and Disconnected Scanning is configured to use Active Directory or LDAP authentication, (i.e., the auto-logon command line switch, -AL, is configured for the Disconnected Scanning shortcut), you may use the -EMBEDDED switch with the Disconnected Scanning executable.
The - EMBEDDED switch disables Disconnected Scanning's continuous background upload feature and forces the Disconnected Scanning client to automatically close after a batch is uploaded.
If the - EMBEDDED switch is used, the -SCANQUEUE=<Scan queue name or Scan Queue #> switch may also be used to specify the scan queue that is used, rather than defaulting to the last scan queue used by Disconnected Scanning.
Additionally, the -SERVER and - LOCALCONNECT switches may be used to determine if the Disconnected Scanning client should be launched using a Local or a Server logon.
If the -LOCALCONNECT switch is used and no local configuration information is available, the user is prompted to create a local Disk Group and the Disconnected Scanning client connects to the Application Server on the first log on.
If neither the - SERVER or the - LOCALCONNECT switches are used in conjunction with the auto-logon switch, the Disconnected Scanning client will, by default, attempt to launch using local configuration information.