To configure an input button to acquire still images from a webcam:
- In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, locate the DocTypes element and identify the DocType sub-element associated with the input button you are configuring.
- Within the DocType sub-element, locate the camera setting. If this value is not present, add it to the DocType sub-element.
Set the camera setting to true.
For example: camera="true"
Tip:For more information on the DocType sub-element and its settings, including the camera setting, see The DocTypes Element.
If you wish to use a webcam that is not set as your workstation's default streaming video device, specify the webcam by name using the cameradevice setting:
Within the DocType sub-element, locate the cameradevice setting. If this value is not present, add it to the DocType sub-element.
Set the cameradevice setting to the name of the webcam.
For example: cameradevice="Logitech WebCam C525"
If you wish to adjust the number of seconds the Front Office Scanning client waits before capturing a still image from a webcam, specify this delay interval using the shutterdelay setting:
Within the DocType sub-element, locate the shutterdelay setting. If this value is not present, add it to the DocType sub-element.
Set the shutterdelay setting to the desired interval, between one and ten seconds.
For example: shutterdelay="5"
Note:The default delay interval is two seconds.
Save and close the configuration file.
For more information on merging a webcam image onto a document, see Configuring an Image Merge.