To ensure proper viewing, it is recommended that the following directive be placed at the top of the HTML file to be used as the HTML form for the Document Type button: <!DOCTYPE html>
The following configuration limitations exist when configuring E-Forms for use with Front Office Scanning:
Virtual E-Forms are not supported.
Submit and Reset buttons on the E-Form are automatically disabled. E-Forms must be imported or cleared using the Front Office Scanning controls.
For an E-Form to be used in Front Office Scanning, form fields on the E-Form can be mapped to Keyword Types via Keyword Type Names or Keyword Type Numbers.
Be aware that if you are using the Front Office Scanning client in Disconnected mode and fields on your E-Form documents are mapped to Keyword Types by Keyword Type Number, the Keyword Types must:
Have a corresponding entry (i.e., a Keyword sub-element) in either the Keywords or DataSet element of the Front Office Scanning configuration file.
Each Keyword Type's corresponding Keyword sub-element must contain the ID setting to map the Keyword Type's Keyword Type Number to its Keyword Type Name in the Front Office Scanning configuration file.
Tip:If you are using the Front Office Scanning client in Disconnected mode, it is considered a best practice to map the fields on your E-Form documents to Keyword Types by Keyword Type Name rather than Keyword Type Number. Mapping these fields to the Keyword Type Names allows you to avoid the above limitation.
Tip:For more information on running the Front Office Scanning client in Disconnected mode, see Enabling Disconnected Mode for the Front Office Scanning Client.
Tip:For more information on the Keywords and DataSet elements of the Front Office Scanning configuration file, including information about the Keyword sub-element and its ID setting, see The Keywords Element or The DataSet Element.
Each Keyword Value in the selected Data Set can be mapped to up to three separate fields on an E-Form. The Keyword Value should be mapped to the first field using OBKEY_<Keyword Type Name>_1, the Keyword Value should be mapped to the second field using OBKEY_<Keyword Type Name>_2, and the Keyword Value should be mapped to the third field using OBKEY_<Keyword Type Name>_3.
For more information on configuring an E-Form, including information on mapping OnBase Keyword Values to form fields on the E-Form, see the E-Forms documentation.