Configuring a Signature Merge Item - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

Signature Merges are configured in the Front Office Scanning configuration file. All Signature Merge information is contained in the SignatureItems element of the configuration file; the configuration information for each individual Signature Merge is contained in a SignatureItem sub-element of the SignatureItems element. Each Signature Merge Item represents one captured signature.

To configure a Signature Merge Item:

  1. In the Front Office Scanning configuration file, locate the SignatureItems element. If this element is not present, add it to the configuration file.

    For more information on the Front Office Scanning configuration file's SignatureItems element and the SignatureItem sub-element, including a detailed description of its format and settings, see The SignatureItems Element.

  2. Add a SignatureItem sub-element to the SignatureItems element.
    Each SignatureItem sub-element contains the data associated with one captured signature.
  3. Add the SignatureID setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The SignatureID setting is a unique, numeric identifier for the Signature Merge Item.

    For example:

    <SignatureItem SignatureID="1">

    It is recommended that the first SignatureItem sub-element has a SignatureID of 1, the second SignatureItem sub-element has a SignatureID of 2, etc.


    The SignatureID value is also assigned to one or more Document Type buttons; for more information, see Assigning a Signature Merge Item to a Document Type Button.

  4. Add the SigOnFile setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. This setting allows you to specify the if the signature is to be captured and stamped on the document or if the signature on file is to be stamped on the document as part of the Signature Merge.

    To immediately stamp on a document a signature captured by the signature device, set SigOnFile to False. To stamp on a document a signature stored on disk, set SigOnFile to True.

    For example:

    <SignatureItem SignatureID="1" SigOnFile="False">

    The ability to stamp a signature on file on a document requires additional configuration. For more information, see Configuring a Document Type Button to Use a Signature on File.

  5. Add the Page setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The Page setting allows you to specify the page of the document that the signature is stamped on as part of the Signature Merge Item.

    For example:

  6. Add the Left setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The Left setting allows you to determine the horizontal position of the signature stamp on the document; enter the distance (in inches) between the left edge of the page and the beginning (left edge) of the signature stamp.

    For example:

  7. Add the Top setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The Top setting allows you to determine the vertical position of the signature stamp on the document; enter the distance (in inches) between the top of the page and the top of the signature stamp.

    For example:

  8. Add the Width setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The Width setting allows you to determine the width of the signature stamp once it is applied to the page; enter the width (in inches) of the signature stamp.

    For example:


    It is likely that the document has a signature box or signature line that you can easily obtain this measurement from.

  9. Add the Height setting to the SignatureItem sub-element. The Height setting allows you to determine the height of the signature stamp once it is applied to the page; enter the height (in inches) of the signature stamp.

    For example:


    It is likely that the document has a signature box or signature line that you can easily obtain this measurement from.

  10. Once the Signature Merge Item has been configured, ensure that you add the end tag (i.e., </SignatureItem>) to close the SignatureItem sub-element.
  11. Repeat Steps 2-10 to create a SignatureItem sub-element for each Signature Merge Item that you would like to create for your Front Office Scanning solution. Each Signature Merge Item represents one captured signature.