Elements of the Front Office Scanning Configuration File - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

A Front Office Scanning configuration file is composed of some or all of the following elements. Not every element is required for each Front Office Scanning solution. Many of these elements have corresponding sub-elements or attributes; not all of these sub-elements or attributes are required for each Front Office Scanning solution.

Front Office Scanning Configuration File Element



The FOSCONFIGURATION parent element contains general Front Office Scanning system options. It also indicates the beginning and the end of the Front Office Scanning configuration file.

See The FOSCONFIGURATION Parent Element for more information.

The Display Element

The Display element contains configuration options that control how the Front Office Scanning client is displayed on the Front Office Scanning workstation.

See The Display Element for more information.

The ScreenName Element

The ScreenName element is used to specify the text that is displayed in the Front Office Scanning client window's title bar.

See The ScreenName Element for more information.

The Columns Element

The Columns element specifies which Keyword Values in the Data Set are displayed in the Available Data Sets list.

See The Columns Element for more information.

The SharePath Element

The SharePath element is used to specify the location (i.e., the sharepath) where the Front Office Scanning client will find Data Set XML files.

See The SharePath Element for more information.

The DataSetSourceURL Element

The DataSetSourceURL element is used to specify that Data Set XML files are stored in a network location instead of a local shared folder (i.e., the sharepath).

See The DataSetSourceURL Element for more information.

The SiteID Element

The SiteID element is used to identify Front Office Scanning workstation(s) so that Data Sets stored in a network location and provided to the workstations via a web service can be filtered and directed to the proper Front Office Scanning workstation.

See The SiteID Element for more information.

The MaintainLocalCopyPath Element

The MaintainLocalCopyPath element is used to specify the location where a local copy of each document can be saved before the document is uploaded to OnBase. This is an optional feature.

See The MaintainLocalCopyPath Element.

The Application Element

The Application element is used to configure an external application to open from within the Front Office Scanning client.

See The Application Element for more information.

The DataSetListText Element

The DataSetListText element is used to specify the name of the Available Data Sets list within the Front Office Scanning client.

See The DataSetListText Element for more information.

The DataSetLifeSpan Element

The DataSetLifeSpan element is used to configure the amount of time Data Sets are available to the Front Office Scanning workstation before they expire and are deleted.

See The DataSetLifeSpan Element for more information.

The DataSetForm Element

The DataSetForm element is used to configure the Front Office Scanning client to allow users to enter Keyword Values into a custom HTML form instead of directly into the Selected Data Set window when manually creating a Data Set inside of the Front Office Scanning client.

See The DataSetForm Element for more information.

The Printer Element

The Printer element is used to automatically specify the printer(s) to be used when documents are printed from within the Front Office Scanning client.

See The Printer Element for more information.

The CommParams Element

The CommParams element contains the information needed to configure your Front Office Scanning client to connect to your OnBase Application Server.

For more information, see The CommParams Element.

The ScanOptions Element

The ScanOptions element contains advanced configuration options for configuring the scanner(s) used by the Front Office Scanning client.

See The ScanOptions Element for more information.

The TempPath Element

The TempPath element specifies the temporary location where documents scanned/created in the Front Office Scanning client are stored before they are uploaded to OnBase.

See The TempPath Element for more information.

The Keywords Element

The Keywords element specifies required Keyword Types associated with a Front Office Scanning Data Set.

See The Keywords Element for more information.

The DataSet Element

The DataSet element specifies non-required Keyword Types associated with a Front Office Scanning Data Set.

See The DataSet Element for more information.

The Retrieval Element

The Retrieval element specifies the Keyword Types whose Keyword Values are used to determine if an existing OnBase document is a match to the selected Data Set.


The Retrieval element is only used if your solution is configured to allow users to view/retrieve existing documents matching the selected Data Set (i.e., if the DocHitList setting in the Display element is set to true).

See The Retrieval Element for more information.

The RetrievalDocTypes Element

The RetrievalDocTypes element specifies Document Types that have not been configured for a Document Type button but may still be used to retrieve existing OnBase documents whose Keyword Values match those of the selected Data Set.


The RetrievalDocTypes element is only used if your solution is configured to allow users to view/retrieve existing documents matching the selected Data Set (i.e., if the DocHitList setting in the Display element is set to true).

See The RetrievalDocTypes Element for more information.

The Filter Element

The Filter element allows you to filter the available Document Type buttons based on a specified Keyword Value in the selected Data Set.

See The Filter Element for more information.

The MergeItems Element

The MergeItems element allows you to configure Data Set Keyword Merges for the existing templates in the Front Office Scanning client.

A Data Set Keyword Merge is an automated process that "stamps" a Keyword Value onto a template.


Data Set Keyword Merges are not supported on scanned images.

See The MergeItems Element for more information.

The SignatureItems Element

The SignatureItems element allows you to configure Signature Merges for the documents scanned/created in the Front Office Scanning client.

Signature Merges allows a signature captured from a signature device to be "stamped" onto a document.


A Signature Merge is not used if a captured signature is added as a markup to a document. For information on adding a signature as a markup to a document, see Configuring a Document Type Button to Capture a Signature as a Markup from a Signature Device.

See The SignatureItems Element for more information.

The SignatureOnFilePath Element

The SignatureOnFilePath element allows you to specify the location where a signature is saved when your Front Office Scanning solution is configured to allow a stored signature to be automatically stamped on a document.

See The SignatureOnFilePath Element for more information.

The DocTypes Element

The DocTypes element allows you to configure the Document Types available to the Front Office Scanning client.

See The DocTypes Element for more information.