The FOSEnabler.exe file is automatically installed and registered when the Front Office Scanning client is installed using the Hyland Front Office Scanning installer. This information is only relevant if you have installed the Front Office Scanning client manually.
- Obtain the FOSEnablerService.exe file from your solution provider and copy it into the Front Office Scanning installation folder.
- Create a shortcut to the FOSEnablerService.exe file.
- Right-click on the FOSEnablerService.exe shortcut and select Properties. The Shortcut to FOSEnablerService.exe Properties dialog box is displayed.
- Add the -RegServer command line switch to the Target field by appending -RegServer to the end of the information already in the field.
- Click OK. The Shortcut to FOSEnablerService.exe Properties dialog box is closed.
- Double-click on the shortcut. The Front Office Scanning Enabler Service opens and closes before any user actions can be performed.
- Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties. The Shortcut to FOSEnablerService.exe Properties dialog box is displayed.
- Remove the -RegServer switch from the Target field. The Front Office Scanning Enabler Service cannot obtain data and create Data Sets with the command line switch in place.
- Click OK. The Shortcut to FOSEnablerService.exe Properties dialog box is closed.