Front Office Scanning is a customizable scanning application that provides an easy way to associate indexing information from any number of data entry workstations with documents scanned using one or more centralized scanning workstations.
Indexing information, such as Keyword Values, can be captured from data entry workstations in a number of ways:
Data can be manually entered by a user
Data can be automatically generated by a third-party software application
Data can be captured via Application Enabler from a third-party software application
Data Sets can be captured from an HL7 data stream
Some of these options require additional software licensing. See Licensing for more information.
The indexing information, called a Data Set, is made available to a Front Office Scanning workstation; the user at the Front Office Scanning workstation selects an available Data Set and associates it with a document by scanning a paper document, marking up an image template, or completing an E-Form.
Once completed, the documents are uploaded to OnBase. Depending on your configuration, these documents are either immediately uploaded to OnBase, stored locally for a later upload to OnBase, or uploaded as a batch in a Document Imaging scan queue for further processing.
The Front Office Scanning client is accessible from within the OnBase Client or as a standalone application that connects to OnBase via the OnBase Application Server.