Starting the FOSEnabler Service - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

In order to use Application Enabler to generate Data Sets from the line of business application, the Front Office Scanning Enabler Service must be running (along with the line of business application and Application Enabler) on the data entry workstation.

  1. With the line of business application open, run the FOSEnablerService.exe file.

    The Front Office Scanning Enabler Service icon is displayed in the Windows System Tray.


    If you would like to change the Front Office Scanning Enabler Service icon on your workstation's desktop (e.g., to an icon featuring the Rod of Asclepius medical symbol), right-click on the icon and select Properties. Then, from the Shortcut tab, click Change Icon and select one of the supplied icons from the FrontOfficeScanning.exe file (or browse to another file). Click OK, apply your changes, and click OK again to return to the desktop.


    The Front Office Scanning Enabler Service icon cannot be changed in the Windows System Tray.

  2. If it is not already running, Application Enabler is launched. Depending on your configuration, an Application Enabler XML configuration file may have been specified for you by your administrator. If one was not, you are prompted to select one.
    The Application Enabler icon is displayed in the system tray.
  3. To ensure that the Front Office Scanning Enabler Service is active, right-click on the Front Office Scanning Enabler Service icon in the Windows System Tray and ensure that a check box is displayed next to Enable/Disable Scraping.